Sports First Aid Qualification
Hi I am wondering if anyone can help?
I am working as a first aider for lower level rugby team. I am about to renew my first aid training this summer.
I have previously done a sports trauma management course which is expiring this year.
I was just wondering what actual first aid qualification is adequate to cover me as a physio/first aider?
I don’t have a team or equipment to manage full spinal injuries, I would just need to refresh in the basic first aid and assessment of the injured player.
Any help will be much appreciated
Re: Sports First Aid Qualification
guess its your call end of day. would think the SRP or CSP would hold definitive answer to your obligations but suspect basic first aid would suffice. just with rugby guess there is chance of significant head/neck injury and you should at least carry hard collar and knowledge to log roll, immobilise and await ambulance when required. dont think you will be intubating or epi-penning anyone but maybe should carry a bag and mask and pen just in case!
Re: Sports First Aid Qualification
Originally Posted by
Hi I am wondering if anyone can help?
I am working as a first aider for lower level rugby team. I am about to renew my first aid training this summer.
I have previously done a sports trauma management course which is expiring this year.
I was just wondering what actual first aid qualification is adequate to cover me as a physio/first aider?
I don’t have a team or equipment to manage full spinal injuries, I would just need to refresh in the basic first aid and assessment of the injured player.
Any help will be much appreciated
I found a 2 day course in Bristol "Sports Trauma 1st aid", it costs just £120,- and it's organised by southwestphysio. Chcek their website for more details what the course covers and find out if similar courses are run in your area.