any protocols followingrotator cuff repairs?
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any protocols followingrotator cuff repairs?
I don't know if you need anything in parfticular, but here is the basic rundown of what we follow at my clinic, given to us by our local surgeons:
Post op day 0-PROM flexion
Day 1-pendulums, AROM of hand/wrist/elbows only
Day 2-PROM ER & IR (0 degrees ABD), ABD in supine
Days 3-5- self ROM, PROM ER/IR at 90 degrees ABD
Days 5-7- Dowel for ER/IR, PROM extension and horizontal add within pain tolerance
*To gain full PRIM by 3-4 weeks s/p
Days 21-28- Supine AROM
Week 5- May begin AROM ABD, gentle isometrics in all planes except ABD
Week6- Progress from gravity eliminated AROM to against gravity, initiate scapular stabilization exercises, isometric abduction
weeks 7-9- Initiate theraband, progress to AROM with weights (all planes)
*No active ABD for 5 full weeks post-op due to deltoid repair
Some physicians here want their patient's in a sling for the first 2-4 weeks s/p
Hope this helps!