How long does patella bone swelling take to settle down?
What are treatment methods for this problem?
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How long does patella bone swelling take to settle down?
What are treatment methods for this problem?
I have not really heard of the patella swelling before. I have seen the capsule swell in numerous cases, the various patella bursae swell as well but not the bone.Chondromalacia Patellae (or more simply patellofemoral pain) isoften one where the aggravating factors (increased Q angle etc) need to be assessed and addressed. Here's a little summary of chondromalacia.
You could also get a tumor in the patella that could cause swelling such as in Patellar metastasis from a malignant melanoma. Again investigations would be needed first. Perhaps you can provide a bit more information about the case history, signs and symptoms so we can provide some more educated advise or ideas.
Chondromalacia patellae is a pathological diagnosis which includes softening and degeneration of patellar articular cartilage. There are four grades of disease severity, ranging from softening and blister-like swelling of the patellar cartilage in grades 1 and 2 respectively to surface irregularity and areas of thinning in grade 3 and ulceration and exposure of subchondral bone in grade 4 disease. The aetiology of chondromalacia patellae is unclear. It has been attributed to predisposing factors such as patellar malalignment and trauma, but many cases are idiopathic. The diagnosis may be confirmed at arthroscopy when changes in cartilage can be directly visualised. However, it is not always thought necessary to carry out an invasive procedure such as arthroscopy to diagnose an often benign and self limiting condition.
There is a full thickness tear of the articular cartilage of the medial facet (diagnosed via arthroscopy).
Hmm, I suppose then that this is really bone swelling as such. Intra-articular capsular swelling (Effusion) might well be present though. As the surgeon if the joint was bloody or not. Then check yourself if the joint is still warm to the touch compared to the other knee. Warmth would indicate an active process still present whereas a normal temperature might indicate residual effusion that just takes time to be reabsorbed. Everyone is different in the timing for that.
The real issue is then one of bone trauma and bruising. Weight bearing in the painful range with probably be symptomatic and not help with a fast recovery. I would suggest you are looking at least for 6 weeks for things to settle. Pulsed Magnetic Therapy I believe has shown to be useful in accelerating bone healing and maybe this works with articular cartilage as well? Can you give more information as to the actual trauma that caused this, and also the age and physical status of the client. For now my only advice would be to keep the joint mobile but do not place any compressive loads in the specific range that would impact on the tear. Hope this helps you a little with what you are trying to achieve :o