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Plantar Fasciitis - Practitioner and Patient Advice
Plantar fasciitis is an extremely commonly encountered condition estimated to account for 5 to 14% of running injuries in the US (1). It must be remembered that there are multiple pathologies which could mimic true plantar fasciitis, and these will be discussed in the article. As a condition it affects both young and old, sporting and non-sporting populations and is not gender specific (2). Controversy surrounds suggested aetiological factors and treatment (3,4). Differential diagnosis and histological findings will also be discussed, in conjunction with a summary of the literature to date. Key examination factors will be highlighted and treatment suggestions made. Finally additional components of treatment will be noted and contextualised.
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Re: Plantar Fasciitis - Practitioner and Patient Advice
Hi there,
Does anyone have any input on this product? I had a client come in today that was told by her MD that this brace is what she required. I'm not convinced. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Re: Plantar Fasciitis - Practitioner and Patient Advice
Hi Goldrush
It looks like the brace is based on the principle of applying a counter-pressure to reduce pressure on the muscle/tendon origin. Probably most commonly seen in people who have been diagnosed with
tennis elbow. There's actually a taping technique that I use that applies this principle for people with
plantar fasciitis and my patients usually report some relief.
I would think this brace would be helpful along with a physio treatment plan aimed at reducing the cause of the problem.