New Sports Physio- advice for a new grad
Im graduating from a Masters in Physio this year and i have scored a job with a prominent sports physio clinic. Can anyone offer advice on the best courses, clinical experience, reading, anything that might make my transition into this world a little smoother?
Re: New Sports Physio- advice for a new grad
Hi I also completed the masters and promptly got a job in a busy private practice. There is so much reading I did and still do its hard to narrow it down but one book that was good is clinical sports medicine ( I don't know the authors off hand) it runs through common disorders etc. I also read up quite a lot on differential diagnosis and assessment techniques especially for the shoulder and knee. Useful courses included acupuncture, k taping, grade 5 manipulation and the Appi Pilates courses. I also have completed smaller on-going courses run by orthopaedic consultants up dating on new surgical techniques and refresher courses on assessment/ treatments etc. if there is a decent shoulder course I would do it. There are also plenty of decent web sites offering exercise protocols following certain injuries and the theraband web site is quite good. Good luck
Re: New Sports Physio- advice for a new grad
Books I've found useful:
Clinical Sports Medicine - Brukner & Khan.
Functional Soft Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods - Warren I. Hammer