Re: Knee clunking and pain.
Pain can take time to fade with most surgeries to be honest. The fact that you mention this is your second meniscectomy and you only have 20% medial meniscus left mean that your knee joint will have had to make major adaptations due to the loss of so much cartilage! Does the pain follow the clunking or are the two totally independent?
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
Hi thanks for the reply. When it pops or clunks it just feels like any joint that needs t click. The knee feels like it has something caught in it until it clicks.
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
With their been a weight-bearing element to your complaint I'd be tempted to say that something is going on on/between your articular surfaces. Can you actually 'touch' where the pain is or does it feel much deeper? Also, how would you describe the pain? Sharp, dull etc.
Chances are, your body is still recovering from the surgery. I had a similar experience. Just keep an eye on it, stick to rehab and don't be shy to contact your consultant if things don't change!
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
Yes there is a definate 'spot' near the joint line that is painful to press on. It can be a sharp pain if I twist while bearing weight
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
Joint line pain (especially when weight bearing) would indicate a disturbance to articular surfaces, meniscus, or even osteophytes formation. Best see a professional regarding that. If anything, only to put your mind at rest.
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
Thanks, will this go with time? Also I get pain in the back of the knee when I lie on my back and bring my knee my chest. What could this be?
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
Impossible to say without assessing you. Could be a number of things really. Best thing is to contact your consultant and/or see your Physio.
Re: Knee clunking and pain.
2 possibilities:
1 - minor meniscal injury (cartliage)
2 - problem with the tracking of the kneecap following a strain to the supporting tissue
Try visiting a good physio for assessment.