FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hi Guys,
Ive finally passed the NPTE in July this year and have my Type 1 cert from the FCCPT
I used the PLAN service as its the best way to know EXACTLY what they want.
The reason for this post is to sell some materials that i used.
I have a copy of
Therapy ED O'sullivan and Siegelman 2010 with CD (3 practice exams)
Scorebuilders 2010 PTExam complete study guide with CD (3 practice exams)
To get my FCCPT cleared i used and took exams in these
CLEP books with CD's: Intro psych, human growth and develop, natural sciences, biology, social sciences and history, chemistry, college maths,
as well as a intro psych book not by clep for general info
Id be happy to strike a deal for the lot or for the majority but willing to discuss offers..
Thanks, James
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
hi..how much for the NPTE books? what is CLEP?
i have a dilemma..please advise! FCCPT type 1 have issued to me last 2005 and took the NPTE 2006 but failed. Im in UK now and havent able to renew my file as it expired already...i have plans to take the NPTE but dont know if i can still use my FCCPT type 1..what do i have to do? renew or reactivate? do help anyone! thanks.
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
hi..can you give tips on what books to study for NPTE? are there any study groups available here in England? thanks
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hi James.... Congrats
I am from India. I have applied for FCCPT type 1 expecting ma results soon. I have not given any state as I know I'll lack in general credits. so am planning to take up PLAN , make up ma credits and then apply for PLAN reevalution. I thought I'll mention the state then. Is there an option to do like that.
When to open up a file in fsbpt? Am planning for Illinois. I cant find any link or FAQ.
How did u go about it. Wer u deficient in credits?
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hi congrats James.
Am a MPT from India.
I have applied for FCCPT type 1 credential.
AS am from India I do expect to have some deficiencies in general credits. So I would like to apply for PLAN, make up those deficiencies, do a PLAN re evaluation an then send the report to the jurisdiction. I have not made any application in FSBPT yet.
Is there any facility of not choosing a state now as I do not want my report sent to any jurisdiction but I would need my personal copy.
Am I on the right track. should we apply for npte before starting fccpt. how did u go about it. Please reply. Thanks
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hi Guys, Sorry ive only just seen your posts.
Well i applied for the type 1 cert with the fccpt as was deficient so had to take a lot of cleps and online courses using the plan service. I heard though that NY state accept an initial eval from the fccpt even though my credits were lacking. So i applied for license in NY state with my initial eval report and then authorised me to sit the npte. Inbetween sitting the exam i topped up my credits with courses etc and got my type 1 before i actually sat the exam. I then sat the npte and passed, the NY state board then issued me my license.
Its such a complex system but its achievable :) There other apparant easier states to be authorised to sit the NPTE without the type 1 cert but ultimately we need to the type 1 cert to get a visa and enter the US to work. Im not sure of these other states but NY did last year.
Id use the PLAN service as you know exactly what they require.
Im not sure if youre type one will still be valid, hopefully. Have you asked Dr Judy WHite of the FCCPT?
Hope that helps a bit. Good luck and keep taking the pass papers from the books to learn what you dont already know for the NPTE, that seemed to hekp me.
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Originally Posted by
Hi Guys,
Ive finally passed the NPTE in July this year and have my Type 1 cert from the FCCPT
I used the PLAN service as its the best way to know EXACTLY what they want.
The reason for this post is to sell some materials that i used.
I have a copy of
Therapy ED O'sullivan and Siegelman 2010 with CD (3 practice exams)
Scorebuilders 2010 PTExam complete study guide with CD (3 practice exams)
To get my FCCPT cleared i used and took exams in these
CLEP books with CD's: Intro psych, human growth and develop, natural sciences, biology, social sciences and history, chemistry, college maths,
as well as a intro psych book not by clep for general info
Id be happy to strike a deal for the lot or for the majority but willing to discuss offers..
Thanks, James
Do you still have the CLEP books? If you do can you let me know how I can get a hold of them? Thanks!
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Originally Posted by
Do you still have the CLEP books? If you do can you let me know how I can get a hold of them? Thanks!
I have several yes, I got them from ebay or amazon...I live in England but could always post them to you, are you in India? I have intro psych, sociology, natural sciences, biology, history, maths, chemistry...we can discuss a price if int?
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Originally Posted by
I have several yes, I got them from ebay or amazon...I live in England but could always post them to you, are you in India? I have intro psych, sociology, natural sciences, biology, history, maths, chemistry...we can discuss a price if int?
Hi James,
Yes! I would need them all. And yes, I live in India currently. What's your email ID? Could you send me a list of the names of the books and the year ? My email ID is [email protected]. Would love it if it could be passed around for free :-) but am int in discussing a price as I understand you bought them yourself.
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
I want to sell Therapy Ed NPTE review 2011 and scorebuilders 2012. I am from INDIA,plz call on 9822127372 if interested.
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hi, I am an indian physio; living in canada.. I have done my B.P.T from RGUHS.I have few queries hope i get answers:
1. I want to take NPTE exam as soon as possible. I have heard that NY state has min requirement so it will take less time. And for NY there is diff process called new york verification: so my que is, do i have to do type 1 verification as well to take NPTE?Or just new york verification is enough?
2. I live in canada and also have tourist visa of US valid for 10 yrs; but i have heard that i can appear for NPTE from canada as well. Is this true? And if true; do i need type 1?
3. If i want to work in US as a physio; do i have to have health care worker certificate? Or do type 1? Or just new york verification is enough for NPTE exam and to work as well?
4. I already had taken TOEFL twice for canadian physiotherapy licensure exam, and have scores valid till Nov and Dec 2015. So was thinking that if at all i need to take toefl again for NPTE or Type 1, i better use that score before it expires.*
My toefl scores:
Nov 2013 exam- R20, L20, S26, W25 = total 91
Dec 2013 exam- R27, L27, S23, W24 = total 101
is this valid score?
Hope to hear soon from someone...
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Can any body help me in
1.Books name for NPTE exam
2.how to prepare for the exam(Strategy)
3.I just applied on-line to FCCPT for New York credentials,whats the next step
- - - Updated - - -
Can any body help me in
1.Books name for NPTE exam
2.how to prepare for the exam(Strategy)
3.I just applied on-line to FCCPT for New York credentials,whats the next step
4,From where i can get the books easily.
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hi, can someone tell me from what books I should study for the NPTE? I live in the USA.
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
hey I just wanted to confirm
Is this book named as Therapy Ed? I know this is the older version but is it so that this book's newer version is called Therapy Ed?
National Physical Therapy Examination Review & Study Guide (Red book) |
Susan B. O'Sullivan,Raymond P. Siegelman- 2008 |
Re: FCCPT Type 1 and NPTE Passed!
Hello rosejr,
I wanted to ask
1)Which deficits did you receive in your general credits?
2)What is the commonest general deficit one receives or would expect to receive? eg- chemistry is commonest as far as I know. Correct me if I am wrong.
3)I have couple of weeks free due to delay in my document procedures so is it possible to anticipate those deficits and start studying before Fccpt actually informs us about the deficits?
4)Also wanted to ask suppose I receive deficit in Math subject do we compulsorily have to opt for Math or can we fulfill it by taking other subjects and equalizing the credits required for math?
- - - Updated - - -
I wanted to ask
1)Which deficits did you receive in your general credits?
2)What is the commonest general deficit one receives or would expect to receive? eg- chemistry is commonest as far as I know. Correct me if I am wrong.
3)I have couple of weeks free due to delay in my document procedures so is it possible to anticipate those deficits and start studying before Fccpt actually informs us about the deficits?
4)Also wanted to ask suppose I receive deficit in Math subject do we compulsorily have to opt for Math or can we fulfill it by taking other subjects and equalizing the credits required for math?