Inclusion-body myositis - Anyone with any good outcomes?
I have a longstanding client with this condition. Whilst physio is helping, I would like to post this issue on the forum in the possibility that in the future someone might come across a new and successful treatment approach. All information is appreciated.
Definition: Inclusion-body myositis, or IBM for short, is found in more men than women. Signs of IBM usually start after age 50. A small number of IBM cases may be hereditary, or passed through your parents. IBM is thought to be an autoimmune disease, meaning the body's immune system, which normally fights infections and viruses, does not stop fighting once the infection or virus is gone. The immune system then attacks the body's own normal, healthy tissue through inflammation (IN fluh MAY shun), or swelling.
IBM is slower than the other types of myositis. Muscle weakness happens over months or years. Most muscles are affected, including neck, hip, back, shoulder, wrist and finger muscles. Many IBM patients notice shrinking, or atrophy (A tru fee), in the arms and thighs as the muscles become weaker. Trouble swallowing, or dysphagia (dis FAY jee yuh), is a common problem for IBM patients. Weakness of face muscles is sometimes seen.