Amputee Physiotherapy opportunities
Hi all
I currently work as a junior rotational Physiotherapist in the UK and have been lucky enough to complete a vascular student placement and rotation working with patients following amputation surgery in an acute setting, but unfortunately will be very unlikely to get this chance again at my current trust. I have known for some time that I want to work with amputees in the long term, but am struggling to find ways to expand my experience in this area.
In the (near!!!) future I would like work in this specific specialty (amputee or vascular) and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for potential work or voluntary opportunities, or had any suggestions from past experience? I live in the south east of England but any suggestions or opportunities would be welcome, home or abroad.
Regards Jason
Re: Amputee Physiotherapy opportunities
Hi There Robbo,
There are a few options you could explore. As you live in the south East of England, you could start by contacting The "Sussex Rehabilitation" centre in Brighton General hospital and arrange to spend a day with the prosthetic department and physiotherapists there. I also work with Amputees and find it very rewarding.