24 Hour Postural Management
I am a final year physio student, currently doing a community based adult learning difficulty placement. I am going to present info on 24 hour postural management to a group of management and senior staff as part of an IST, i was wondering if anybody had any information or guidance that might help me with this?
Re: 24 Hour Postural Management
Hi there, if its not late I have some info that might be useful to you.
I too am a final yr student and had a similar placement and had to do a presentation on 24hr postural care.
You can try:
The Mansfield Project: Postural Care at Night within a Community Setting: A Feedback Study, S Goldsmith, physiotherapy journal, Volume 86, Issue 10, Pages 507-560 (October 2000)
The development and implementation of an integrated care pathway for 24-hour postural management: a study of the views of staff and carers, Ginny Humphreys and Terry Pountney, physiotherapy journal, Volume 92, Issue 4, Pages 193-270 (December 2006)
Management of
scoliosis with special seating......., KJ Holmes, SM Michael, SL Thorpe & SE Solomonidis, clinical biomechanics (18) 2003, 480-487 - Just google it you should find it
Management of hip dislocation with postural management
Child: Care, Health and Development 28 (2), 179–185. Teresa Pountney, Anne Mandy, Elizabeth Green, Paul Gard (2002)
Hope this helps
Re: 24 Hour Postural Management