unilateral sensory loss post CVA Rx options ?
Has anyone out there any suggestions please ? :\
71 Yr old Male L parietal infarct 3/12 ago with R sided neglect and sensory loss globally R side.
PMH diabetes type 2, Prostate Ca 24/12 ago, now clear.
Muscle strength L=R Gr. 4+, lack of control over R side, but improving ability to functionally use limbs with ++ visual input/ concentration.
stereognosis c R. hand poor, no differentiation between hot.cold, sharp/ dull sensation all down R side.
Rx so far includes tactile stimulation c Ice, textured objects etc, contrast bathing to R hand, functional activity, massage, all without effect.
Has anyone any experience/ ideas as to anything which might make a difference ?
Thanks for any help