Norwegian physiostudent. Need some helpful aussies!!
I am a Norwegian physio-student. I am graduating this summer with a bachelor-degree and I really want to work in Australia.
So now Im applying for different job's to hopefully in August.
I have looked trough and found some really interesting jobs, but I think I need some advice.
Cause i wounder if there is something I should take account off before I apply or accept an offer??!?
My CV will be in English of course but the attest is in Norwegian. My English skill's are good enough, so that wouldn't be a barrier.
I'm greatful for all of the advice/offers/help I'll recive.
Kind greetings
Thank you in advance:)
re: Norwegian physiostudent. Need some helpful aussies!!
Hi Simen,
considering this comment:
My CV will be in English of course but the attest is in Norwegian.
I am seriously wondering about the only thing you should look at at the moment:
Are you registered with the Australian Physiotherapy Board?
Thing is that you can only apply for a job - or better: they will only seriously look at your application - if you have registration.
And :o Physio-Stud is a very unfortunate title - better spell it out 'student' - I presume.
re: Norwegian physiostudent. Need some helpful aussies!!
Thanks Fyzzio!
How does it work with the sponsors and stuff?
Cause how I see it now when I don't have any family in Australia the clinic have to bee my sponsor?!?
As I know the main thing i need: IELTS test, Sponsor and a Work visa ?!?
Is it the same if with sponsors too if I want to apply in New-Zealand!?!
re: Norwegian physiostudent. Need some helpful aussies!!
again, from your comments, all is a bit unclear.
I presume now, that you want to apply for a short term temporary position as Physio with limited registration, i.e. requirement to be supervised? Is that correct?
I believe that this is only granted if you prove intention to become fully registered. So, you will need to find a sponsor = someone who offers you a job = somone who takes on Physios with limited registration = and as part of this position, they will supervise you. So, I hope you understand that the clinic does not have to supervise you - they will as part of the job offer. You cannot apply for a normal Physio position and then ask them to supervise you. Do you understand the difference?
Anyone else out there who knows where to find job offers/ sponsors?????I presume you will have to apply for registration anyway. Start getting all your main documents translated...
New Zealand has a totally different registration system. You can only work here if you are fully registered. No alternatives.
The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Registration - Overseas Qualified Physiotherapists
It's all based on an application that you will have to send in.
Cheers, Fyzzio
re: Norwegian physiostudent. Need some helpful aussies!!
Hey mate, here in Australia you will have to check and see if your Degree is valid here, many are finding the Aussies have their own accreditation as with many other countries-before you hop abroad check it out
re: Norwegian physiostudent. Need some helpful aussies!!
Yeah, I think it is a bit unclear because I don't where to start.
Actually I haven't any time limit, if I enjoyed staying there I would be more than glad to stay there for many years.
Yeah I understand, thanks. So now the hard work is to find a sponsor :)
Thanks Everfit, an essential thing to check before i apply ;)
Regards Simen