calcific tendinitis
I have a doubt and would appreciate it if someone could please tell me how to check for the consistency of a calcific deposit in the tendon of supraspinatus.I have done a study (disseratation) on the efficacy of ultrasound on calcific tendinits of the shoulder and have got good results with it.But i have not taken the concsistency or the stage in which th patient comes in.If seen on x rays,i have treated them with ultrasound.
The only way to check i thought was either on x-rays,m which gave a vague idea or a biopsy which my patients were not ready to undergo.....can one check with only palaption????wouldn't that be too painful???I would appreciate it if there was any input on this matter
Thanking all in anticipation,
Looking forward to hear
I am wondering how you would like to palpate the tendon since it is partly covered by the acromion so impossible to palpate. another problem might well be the possibility you are palpating other structures like M. Deltoideus, Bursae etc. (for shure in the more muscular or bigger person)
I personally would stick to an X-ray or do you have any objections against the use of X-ray as a diagnosing device?