Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
Hi! I Please help me. I have a anterior leg pain and pain on the sole of my feet just above the inner arch,below my big toes.It affects both my legs and feet. I have difficulty sleeping because of this pain. Sometimes, I also have pain on my arms (on my elbows and below it and also on my palms. This pains disturbs me every night. I badly need some help. I don't have any serious illness or disease. I don't have any history of injuries or fractures. I am not a runner but I do walk briskly. Sometimes, I also feel pain between my shoulder blades especially when I lack some sleep. But anyways, what bothers me was the pain on my anterior (front) legs and feet (sole).
I will glady appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.
Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
Most likely you have MTSS (medial tibial stress syndrome).
It may be associated with bunions given the length of time suffered.
NOTE: although unlikely due to having it on both side gout is on increase because of fad of high protein diets (should be investigated).
This comes from flat arches. the pain is often relieved during walking but inhibits running.
The pain will feel achy at rest and may even throb after long walks. It should run from the back of the inside arch towards the bump on ankle the radaite into the shin.
Foot wear is the biggest issue. stop wearing heels and don't wear flip flops or shoes made from fabric. walking boots are best but with summer and heat often not a likable option for women. if this is the case a good ankle strap and orthotic solution will create stability.
Ankle strap will provide the quickest relief.
ICE twice a day for two weeks especially directly after long walks.
Ultrasound and ESWT are very effective.
Niall Marshall-Manifold
London Foot Pain Clinic
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Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
Thanks for the reply Niall, how about the pain I have on my fore arms and palm? It also triggers most of the night. By the way, I am also experiencing the leg and foot pain even I'm only at home for the whole day. I basically just rest when I'm at home.I don't run or walk or jump. I do wear flip flops a lot especially inside our house. I am not flat footed also and I don't have bunions.
Below is my left foot. The red mark is the part where it is more painful. The lighter the color means lesser pain. Those with marks are the affected area. the same goes with my right foot.
Attachment 1154
Below is my left lower leg (anterior part) The red mark is where I feel the pain. Same goes with my right leg
Attachment 1155
Below is my left forearm. The same goes with the right side
Attachment 1156
Below is my left palm. Same goes with my right.
Attachment 1157
Hope it will be helpful.. thanks alot.
Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
Unfortunately patients very rarely notice that there arch has dropped.
However in some cases we can see only very slight arch drop but hypermobile ankles are often to blame in these cases.
Pain at rest is not always normal - except in very chronic cases -was it always like this or is this a symptom of progression? e.g. did it start only hurting during day and only recently started to hurt when not doing anything.
Would you be able to give me exact locations of pain maybe a drawing or a scanned picture with some pen shading.
As far as the arms. Does the pain throb, is it sharp or dull. What movements cause irritation? & what makes it feel better (meds, positions, movements)?
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Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
a year ago, I am already experiencing anterior leg pain that is extending on my sole. It also triggers at night and would lessen if I walk it, stand or massage it. but It is not constant. I am only experiencing it when I'm tired or had a long walk.
Yet few months ago, I am experiencing the pain almost everyday. Well I guess I am pain free for just a week. the arm pain also started few months ago. I am nit sure what causes the pain. It just happen.
By the way, the pain both in legs, sole, arms and palm is dull and tingling. And my feet feels cold to touch. Its gets better when I stand, walk it or massage it. One time I took Mefenamic acid but it has no effect. I am not sure if its related but I notice that the pain is very constant and caused me sleepless nights a week before my period starts.
Sometimes when I sit for a long period, I feel some shooting pain on my right rear down to my right upper thigh as I stand. But this is only rare. and I guess this is another problem or I just need some stretching.
Below are the photos indicating the areas where I feel the pain. I've also included a picture of my left foot as I am standing so you can observe If I am flat footed. There's an arch so I am not sure if I am flat footed. The red shades indicates the points or areas where I feel the pain. (1.left leg 2. left sole 3.left forearm 4.palm 5. left foot) The same goes with my right leg, sole, arm, palm and foot.
Thank you
Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
Great Thankyou,
Ice the red area twice daily and change flip flops for proper sport sandals. The shin pain is a muscle that holds the the foot up most likely aggravated by flip flop walking or rolling of arch/ankle. I suggest you get a strap for the ankle and change the foot wear.
It is possible you have gout so have the doc check your uric acid levels. Especially given the pain at rest.
Gout can effect multiple joints so this might explain the hands. However the areas in the hands is known as the thenar eminace. It holds the main muscle that draws the thumb across the hand. These days iPad, iPhone & typing can all cases this condition.
I would bath the hands in hot water with a muscle relaxant called magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) 1/2 kg in every hand bath (use sink or sink bowl) 20+min soak everyday for two weeks. And if you are doing and iPad/iPhone stuff stop it over those two weeks.
Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
thanks! you're such a great help. I always use my iPad gonna stop using it for now. Thanks again. ☺☺☺
Re: Anterior Leg pain on both legs and Pain on Sole of the feet
Hello, your arm pain is most likely not related to the pains you experience in your feet and lower legs. I am under the impression that you have had an excellent answer from nmarman.