PIZZO - Electric effect
Hi there,
I am doing a research study on the effects of ultrasound in soft tissue injury of shouler. Most of the literatures are talking about PIZZO electirc effect in the machine. But I would like to know if the PIZZO electirc effect in the soft tissue injury is induced by ultrasound.
Can any one throw some light on this study.
Thanks in advance.
Interesting ... I shall get back to you in a day.
I'd try PIEZO and google it !
Pls don't ask what's google ok?
Are suggesting that the tissues also exhibit piezoelectric effect when they injured?.
An interesting artile is outlined below. This might give you a starting point for more rearch.
Piezoelectricity, a Healing Property of Soft Tissue
by Warren Hammer,MS,DC,DABCO
Hands-on loading of soft tissue has proven to be much more than just increasing circulation or relaxing tense muscles, as important as those benefits are. Most of the literature on mechanical load demonstrates that cells detect mechanical deformation as tension, compression, shear or fluid flow. There are receptor connections between the outside and inside of the cell, linking to signaling pathways that convey mechanical stimuli information to the nucleus.1 Receptors are able to convert mechanical energy into chemical stimuli that can be conducted inside the cell. Past soft tissue articles in this journal have given evidence of pressure on tendons causing a proliferation of fibroblasts and initiation of an inflammatory cascade, resulting in the laying down of new collagen along the normal lines of stress. An often-overlooked benefit of soft tissue loading is the piezoelectric effect.
The Curie brothers discovered the piezoelectric effect in crystals in 1880. Piezoelectricity literally means, "pressure electricity." Crystalline arrangements are the rule in living tissue,2 not the exception. These crystals are piezoelectric, meaning they generate electric fields when compressed or stretched. When a bone or cartilage is compressed, or a tendon or ligament stretched, or when skin is stretched, electric pulsations are created. The colloidal gel component of soft tissue, which makes up the ground substance that embeds all of the connective tissue/collagen in the body, is influenced by electrical fields. These electric fields are one of the factors that influence the gel-to-solvent (melting) transition.3
Remember, fascial release causes the thixotropic gel to change to a liquid form, allowing the dehydrated gel to expel its toxins and return to the normal gel state, where freedom of motion is re-established. Proteins, nucleic acids and mucopolysaccharides, which compose all tissues of the human body, exhibit piezoelectric properties. This piezoelectrically induced current activates the healing processes in the stimulated area. Thus, this mechanically induced electrical energy has great regulatory effect on the cellular and molecular levels.4 Tissue loading, causing a deformation of collagen, increases the negative charge in soft tissues. These negative potentials have a strong proliferative impact on the tissues in the loaded area.4 A present-day method for treating slow-healing fractures is the use of piezoelectricity. This causes an increase in osteogenesis.
Facade and Yasuda5 found that the electrical behavior depended on the shearing of collagen fibers past one another, and that the maximization of the signal occurred when the fiber axis was at 45 degrees with respect to the axis of compression. The use of Graston instruments on soft tissue has always been recommended at a 30-60 degree angle. Again, maximum piezoelectric stimulation at 45 degrees should be considered.
Another source of electrical fields, streaming potentials, is also caused by mechanical load. The extracellular, moveable fluid surrounding the collagen contains a large amount of different electrical charges (i.e., anions, captions and dipoles such as Na, Cl, K, amino acids, etc.). The collagen has a fixed electrical charge, and the electrical moveable fluid moving through the collagen creates electrical potentials called streaming potentials. These streaming potentials are stimulated by blood flow and propulsion of extracellular fluids through the extracellular matrix as a result of tissue deformation. Facial release techniques, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (i.e., through Graston) and massage all stimulate the flow of interstitial fluid carrying the charged particles around the structures, with their fixed electrical charges creating a stronger electrical field.4,6
Banes AJ, et al. Mechanical forces and signaling in connective tissue cells. Current Opinion In Orthopedics 2001; 12(5).
Oschman JL. Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis. New York: Churchill Livingston/Harcourt Publishers, 2000:52-55.
Tanaka T. Gels. Scientific American 1981;244:124-138.
Turchaninov R. Research & massage therapy. Massage Bodywork October/November 2000:60-71.
Facade E, Yasuda I. Piezoelectric effects in collagen. J Appl Physiol 1964; 3:117.
Gross D, Williams W. Streaming potential and the electromechanical response of physiologically moist bone. J Biomechanics 1982;15(4):277-295.
Warren Hammer,MS,DC,DABCO
Norwalk, Connecticut
Dear Physiodude,
Great article you dug out there!!!
However, I don't think that's exactly what our friend Karadiyar was after...
Piezo effect means any form of conversion of mechanical(kinetic) energy into electrical energy (potential) and vice versa, right? So the "PIZZO" effect effect in question probably relates to the transformation of the electrical current into the mechanical deformation of the quarz crystal in the US head. The resulting US waves are "shaking up" the cells, however most of this kinetic energy is in turn being converted into heat. What happens to the cell on the micro-level, I'd have to google some more... if you don't have any good article on that in your library?
PIZZO - Electric effect
For more information upon ultrasound see the following resource
hi physiodude,
gr8 article indeed,
thanx 4 the information.
Hi all,
I hope you're kiddin' with this "great paper" !
simply nonsense and absence of fact and proof.
bernard seems to be angary:hat
Absolutely not angry.
Piezo phenomenon was only observed in vitro.
Well not did any google searches or somethin but i feel the question is an interesting one..
Quartz crystal in US vibraes... rarefaction and compression
leads to
waves into the tissue...
leads to
movement of the tissues & cells...
various effects of micromassage, cavitation etc work, it changes permeability of cell membranes and thus changes direction of flow of molecules... this all workss to promote healing, increase circulation...
The heating effect of relaxation and numerous others is already existing...
So all this might happen in the tissue leading to efficacy of US in soft tissue unjuries...
These may help you...
Hope i cud help..
<img border=0 src="http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif" />
Sorry but there is nothing to see with piezzo electricity there.