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I hear what you're saying. I've also noticed similar job ads and huge inconsistencies in salaries. And at the moment I'm getting frustrated at the lack of information and help available for foriegn physio's wanting to work over there. If it wasn't for my husband I would have given up on the idea by now because there's plenty of opertunities here. But he has been wanting to go over there for a couple years now, he has close friends and a brother living there. My husband has a job lined up so it's my understanding that he will be able to sponsor me but I don't want to get there and find out I can't register. I've tried emailing Emirates Physiotherapy Society but my emails have been returned saying that the email addresses are no longer active. They also have a forum but most of the enquires on it have not been answered. So it looks like I will have to go over for a visit before we make a final decission.