Physiotherapy studies abroad
Hi all,
I am currently living in the UK and want to study Physiotherapy abroad, ideally in Europe.
Though I know Australia and North America boasts some of the best courses for Physiotherapy students, I think I may need to rule them out.
Europe is my target. I have seen some websites that list a few possible places in Europe that are great for Physiotherapy and was wondering, can anyone on this forum give me some indication to which countries in Europe (and even universities names) that are great for Physiotherapy?
Thank you in advance
Re: Physiotherapy studies abroad
could you please tell us which languages you speak well enough to participate in university studies in other countries.
If it is none - I would suggest Scotland and Ireland, they offer 4 yr BSC Honors degree.
North America's Physical Therapy degree usually excludes cardiorespiratory teaching (because they have Respiratory Technician Training course), so that might be useless if you ever want to work in England - I would clarify with the HCPC or CSP (not sure who is responsible) which universities they accept as equal in training to receive registration in England.
BTW: England has got great universities and excellent degree programmes.
Re: Physiotherapy studies abroad
Originally Posted by
could you please tell us which languages you speak well enough to participate in university studies in other countries.
If it is none - I would suggest Scotland and Ireland, they offer 4 yr BSC Honors degree.
North America's Physical Therapy degree usually excludes cardiorespiratory teaching (because they have Respiratory Technician Training course), so that might be useless if you ever want to work in England - I would clarify with the HCPC or CSP (not sure who is responsible) which universities they accept as equal in training to receive registration in England.
BTW: England has got great universities and excellent degree programmes.
Thank you Fyzzio,
At the minute I have intermediate Spanish and beginner Dutch. I would be starting university at the start of the 2014 academic year so I have time to learn a great deal more, especially Dutch. However, I am looking for English taught courses abroad rather than courses taught in their native language.
Thank you for the tip of contacting the HCPC or CSP. I did try to contact a few places asking which universities they accept as equal to in training to that of an English university, to which they basically said they don't know.
I have found 2 in The Netherlands:
Physiotherapy programme - Hanzehogeschool Groningen
I heard from a few sources that The Netherlands is a great place to study Physiotherapy in Europe. I don't know if this is true?
I wanted to stay away from Great Britain through my studies, that's why my goal has always been to find courses in mainland Europe. You'd probably think I'm running away from Britain to do what I want to to (Physiotherapy) in an environment that I feel better in; and you'd be right. I have always wanted to move away from Britain to continue my studies.
Re: Physiotherapy studies abroad
I have emailed both organisations you suggested I contact.
Thank you for suggesting them.
Re: Physiotherapy studies abroad
yes, looks like the Dutch universities offer a great programme, I just didn't know that it was in English.
But also, you have to consider where to do your clinical placements, because they won't be in English and I would not expect that the clinical supervisors are happy to do their communication with you in English. ;)
Good luck,
Re: Physiotherapy studies abroad
Originally Posted by
yes, looks like the Dutch universities offer a great programme, I just didn't know that it was in English.
But also, you have to consider where to do your clinical placements, because they won't be in English and I would not expect that the clinical supervisors are happy to do their communication with you in English. ;)
Good luck,
Can I be a bit cheeky and ask you which Dutch course I posted you think is best?
I am applying for both but I'm not sure which is the best option.
The Dutch offer a Dutch taught Physiotherapy programme and also and English taught programme. I believe they are 1 of the only countries to do so.
Your point on the clinical placements is honestly something I haven't considered fully. I have a friend who is competing for Britons Strongest man so this year I will be working closely with his physiotherapist gaining some great experience. Then after my course and maybe even through my course he will be competing for Worlds Strongest Man so I'll be seeing if I can go with him to that as well.
I will continue learning Dutch but you are right about the clinical placements. I will contact the university and ask them what options are available.
Thank you
Re: Physiotherapy studies abroad
if i may suggest something. i recommend you the czech republic for studying medicing, and in this particular case physiotherapy. the country is well-known for good education, and same time is beautiful, rather cheap and lies in the heart of europe. i've studied here at one of private universities in prague (this if you are interested), and mine friend have studied medicne in prague same time. i really recommend the place. for sure you won't be disappointed.