Hi, Have you got any info about hip replacement by manipulating between the hip muscles instead as of the standard procedure of cutting through them?
Thanks, Yaro
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Hi, Have you got any info about hip replacement by manipulating between the hip muscles instead as of the standard procedure of cutting through them?
Thanks, Yaro
I assume you mean "minimally invasive" hip replacement? If you do an internet search you can find out the different procedures available, using one or two incisions.
In my experience the rehab of these patients can be markedly short, even to the point that I have seen a patient walk with not even a cane on the day of surgery! (I think the surgeon was showing off though!)
One of the objections that others of our orthopods made was re the limited vision afforded by such procedures, and there has been incidents of the femoral component being mal-aligned and piercing through the femur distally, which can lead to fractures. Also I have seen mal-positioning of the acetabular component, and also instability leading to early dislocation.
If it goes well though, (and it appears surgeons are getting more practised at it, leading to more consistent result) it can be a fantastic operation!