Hydrotherapy articles [help]
Hi all ,
I am student in 3rd year from Saudi Arabia, and I am looking for a website that has information about the methods used in hydrotherapy, hot packs and paraffin wax. Can anyone tell me were I might find new articles about these topics?
Many thanks
Re: hydrotherapy articles [help]
Have a look over some good hydrotherapy book such as
Hydrotherapy in Practice By Davis, B. and Harrison, R.
Churchill Livingstone, London.
For detail on hot packs and paraffin wax see any good textbook of electrotherapy, such as Clayton's Electrotherapy.
Re: hydrotherapy articles [help]
Thank you for for reply,,
but in saudia arabia it is hard to find any text book in hydrotherapy,
Thank u again man
Re: hydrotherapy articles [help]
anyone know site in these topics
Re: hydrotherapy articles [help] GREENHAND
dear friend,
there r some website addresses such as www.hydrotherapy.com or
www.hydrotherapy.org.uk,u can also use search engines such as google,yahoo,for ur future references.
Re: Hydrotherapy articles [help]
The best online source for any information on physiotherapy is
www.csp.org.uk, and if you enter hydrotherapy as a search term you will find a range of material. I have done searches on Google for hydrotherapy but it does not produce very good results.
Try these alternative search engines:-
Re: Hydrotherapy articles [help]