Scaphoid fracture
I'm currently treating a patient who previously fractured his scaphoid landing on an outstretched hand. He's progressing well and is now approaching a return to sport. He's very active and is a little concerned about when he returns to sport, particularly football.
In our most recent session he enquired about wrist protectors that he'd read about. I had to confess that I knew very little about these. On reading a little more into this topic I did come across a mention of wrist protectors in relation to snowboarding on sportsinjurybulletin.com, but very little else. Does anybody know anything more about these and where I can suggest that he may find them? Alternatively does anybody know of any other preventative measures for scaphoid fractures? Thanks
Re: Scaphoid fracture
hi! i prefer thumb spica splint for this case. you can check google for some illustrations.
Re: Scaphoid fracture
Check out the physio suppliers, they usually have a selection in thier catalogues. You could also try conctacting an orthotic manufacturer- I know that people with hypermobility syndrome often wear wrist protectors and you can get them specially made for each person. Might be worth a try:)