Can anyone tell me what all being a physio can do for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) case with mid sternotomy?
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Can anyone tell me what all being a physio can do for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) case with mid sternotomy?
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is an acute, severe injury to most or all of both lungs. Patients with ARDS experience severe shortness of breath and often require mechanical ventilation (life support) because of respiratory failure. ARDS is not a specific disease; instead, it is a type of severe, acute lung dysfunction that is associated with a variety of diseases, such as pneumonia, shock, sepsis (a severe infection in the body) and trauma. ARDS can be confused with congestive heart failure, which is another common condition that can also cause acute respiratory distress.Quote:
You might well find out some more information and patient support from the followng website:
The acute respiratory distress syndrome is a severe and acute form of respiratory failure precipitated by a wide range of catastrophic events- including shock, septicaemia, major trauma, or aspiration or inhalation of noxious substances.
The aims of physiotherapy are:
Removal of retained secreations
Passive/Active movements
Chest Physiotherapy in this case involve four principal manoeuvers:
Positioning to enhance the removal of secretions and to improve gas exchange
Manual Hyperinflation
Endotracheal suction
Manual techniques which include shakings and vibrations
Passive and active exercises need to be performed regularly whilst the patient mobility remain restricted during the critical stages of their disease, in order to maintain the mobility of joints and extensibility of soft tissues (e.g. muscles, tendons and ligaments).
very thank
Hi I used to use CPAP for ARDS, respiratory exercises specially exh exercises and exercises for up+un extr.
HI. In ARDS, the best treatment is prone positioning for time patient can tolerate. PEEP is also very helpful.
Physio treatment goes according to the pathophysiological stage of ARDS which is multifactorial.
If in the exudative phase (caused due to DAD(Diffuse alveolar damage)), characterizing pulmonary edema, positioning to avoid further V/Q mismatch (prone or lateral - more appropriate wud be prone, recent trend even head end elevated),
ET suction - airway clearance, concomitant ventilatory support (Low Vt, High PEEP strategy, PCV), alveolar recruitment maneuvers, CPAP
Excessive passive movements can lead to further distress, if pt is extremly tachycardic, tachypneic.. Ankle toe and slow movemnts ideal. Monitor ABG
With due reasoning - proceed for the fibroproliferative phase.. - excessive secretion retention - Bronchial hygeine and remodelling phase..
ARDS can lead to ILD due to excess fibrosis in interstitium.. -further rehab..