popping/clicking noise outside of ankle
hey, my first post
well just to tell you a bit about me first,i'm 25 male and FINALLY, (afters years of hard work) i'm studying for physio in the south of england, and it's my first year, so be nice :p just kidding.
Anyway, i recently had reconstruction of the lateral ligaments in my ankle, now when i was in the cast after a few weeks a started gettin clicking/popping/snapping feelings/noises coming from just behind the outside of the ankle bone, whenever i moved my leg (this is with the cast on). Then i came out of the cast and was weight-bearing and i continued to get this. I have continued to get this, only not as often now. I am attending physio for my rehabilitation after my surgery, but i haven't mentioned this to my physio nor my consultant. anybody know what this could be? should i be worried?
Re: popping/clicking noise outside of ankle
Mention it, even if they dismiss it.
It is likely that it is flicking of some tightened structure.
At least let them look at it to determine if they can help it. You don't mention pain so it can't be that bad, right?
Surgery does funny things to your connective tissue in the area! Scarring is not just on the outside.
Enjoy your rehab!
Re: popping/clicking noise outside of ankle
Hey, I didn't start studying physio till I was 25 either...lots of us about!:p
I'm almost qualified (finish in November) so from my limited experience :o I guess it does sound a bit like tendons snapping/rubbing over the malleolus or crepitus like you can get in the knee?? I agree with alophysio and mention it to your physio (though they may have heard or felt it themselves when they examined you), but I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Best of luck with the rest of your studies:) I love it even if the prosepct of a job in the UK is non-existant! (why did I leave a stable career for this....?:rolleyes: )
Re: popping/clicking noise outside of ankle
Thanks for the advice. I'm in my first year studying for physio. I do worry about the job thing, but it's what i want to do. But still another 3 years to think about that anyway. :o
A friend of mine had the same surgery as me (can you tell we both play alot of sport :o ) but he didnt have any problem with his, but sure i'll mention it to my doctor, thanks again!
Re: popping/clicking noise outside of ankle
hi there!! first of all i think you did a good job choice. i think most of us wont get rich with physio, but to help people and see them imporving is better anyway.
to your case: when you pronate your foot you can feel a tendon right behind your lat. malleolus, its the peroneus longus tendon. is it snapping when you are activeley pronating or against resistance? if yes try to fix it with a little pressure and see what happens. i asume you had a inversion trauma. in this case often peroneal tendon sheath gets damaged, which isnt a real problem.
try to work a lot on instable (wobble bord etc) an see if the problem improve.
also if the post. calcaneofib. lig. is damaged it can cause this snapping. but if isolated damaged (or not reconstructed during surgery) it often causes no real joint laxity.
anyhow, try a lot of stabilizing exercises and strengthening. good luck!!