Suggestions for Epicondylitis, anyone?
Why this thread:
Because i'm looking for suggestions to solve my problem, where to research what to do, basically anything you can say that's worthwhile, I will really really appreciate it! :)
A little about me:
I'm Diogo i'm a student from ISCTE university, i study computer engeneering and i'm suferring from a lot of pain that comes from my elbows, hands and shoulder.Because of that pain i found out i have hipermobility which is connected, i think, with the Ehlars Danlos Condition, I'm currently just focusing on getting better and passing the course.
More information about my medical case here: (all treatments i've made, all the necessary info the most organized i could do it)
Ehlars Danlos type graphic.
Hypermobility my type (above)
My Doctor:Rui Miguel - Portugal | LinkedIn
My clinics:
Hospitals i've been in:
Next planned stuff:
- 18/11 consult with my doctor.
Current goals:
- Finding more solutions to my conditions: (most likely first descending order)
- Osteopath
- eccentric exercise
- Try to see if arcoxia is really effective. (By taking one day not the other and comparing results, tried lyrica and noticed it helped in the pain)
- Occupational therapy
- Homeopathy
- Reiki my mother's suggestion
- try ibuprofen out... maybe
- ant-inflammatory diet
- Start again? heat or coldtreatments
- Different types of acupuncture
- Research eletrólise percutânea intratecidular (jose manuel sanchez)
- corticosteroid injections
- Progressive resistance exercises may confer modest intermediate-term results.
- iontophoresis,nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- acetaminophen
- Topical Nitrate - Animal studies suggest that nitric oxide stimulates collagen synthesis by wound fibroblasts and, therefore, may play a role in healing extensor tendons.
- short-term oral NSAIDs
- inelastic,nonarticular, proximal forearm strap (tennis elbow brace) (figure this out)
- botulinum toxin type A injection (Botox);
- LAST OF ALL,surgery.
Tennis Elbow Treatments/Remedies: Ice, Rest, & More
Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis - American Family Physician
"Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, laser treatment, and electromagnetic field therapy do not appear to be effective." really? -.-
Where can i research, databases:
Databases offering online access to medical evidence | The Cochrane Collaboration
Research Databases
Medical Databases for the Health Care Industry | EBSCO
All Suggestions Are Appreciated, send me a comment or message :)