gaining finger extension post-stroke
I'm treating a woman with a 5 week old right hemi. She has active movement in all UL joints, has full ROM and has no subluxation. She is progressing well but I'm looking for inspiration for what else I can do to stimulate finger extension. She has limited extension in all digits - not enough to be functional. We are using sweeping as sensory stim., active & active - assisted exercises, weight-bearing....
Got any more ideas to stimulate extension as there has been no progress over the last week? There is a slight increase in flexor tone but it is not inhibitory and when it is inhibited she doesn't gain any extension.
All suggestions welcome.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
You could try some electrical stimulation while doing reaching tasks. Try and incorporate it into something functional at the same time for a better chance of functional carryover.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Im srikanth, I have been teaching and using PNF techniques on my patients for quite some time. Try using irradiation techniques, they are quite useful in initiating thumb and finger extension. If u need more details please give the stonger components in ur patients limb. Good luck
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Memory exs are very good & result oriented. There is researh on this. Another exs you could try is while you do approximation in sittin, give compression downward by holding at the medial & lateral aspect of elbow. do not handle the biceps while doing this. After doing a couple of times get the patient to attempt finger extension. If you do it well you will definitly get the ext'n.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
how can improve hand function in hemiplegic child ( result from RTA )
and thank u
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Originally Posted by muhana85d
how I can improve the hand and arm function in hemiplegic child ?
Before the UL functions are embarked on, check on the trunk. If the trunk is not stable, UL will not achieve control. Think trunk first. Most often, the flexors are spastic. Hence the arm must go outwards. They are stuck in midrange & inner ranges. Hence target should be outer ranges. Do not stretch. rehablitation should be painfree. Pain increases spasticity which increases spasticity again, & a vicous circle is set. Inhibit pects & biceps;get controlled extension. Inhibit pronaters & facilitate supinators. Approximate UL & give compression at elbow downward towards wrist. do not handle biceps at this time. You'll get wrist extension.As you make child sit on a balancing disc/ ball etc, work on the trunk & get lot of functional work on childs post deltoid & ext rot's. Hope this is helpful.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Originally Posted by
You could try some electrical stimulation while doing reaching tasks. Try and incorporate it into something functional at the same time for a better chance of functional carryover.
there is no evidence of improving function by electrical stimulation,it may improve only isometric strenth but not isotonic..........do u know any evidence 4 improving function by es????
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
I cannot speak from experience but have you looked into saeboflex therapy?
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
my self roshan dominic
physio from india.working as cordinator for one of the finest stroke rehab centers in india
i'll give u few sugesstions for the same.plz try n u'll get good results
1.plz try functional hand splint.if its not available ready made,plz contact ur OT for that.or u may try it through SAMMONSAND PRISTON.COM
3.try giving TENS for flexors and icing for extensors simultaneosly
4.never facilitate finger flexors,even if they have some movement.
5.do quick iceing for all extensors with quick strectching
6.never do quick stretching for flexors as it stimulates flexor synergy
try this methods n get back to me
I'm treating a woman with a 5 week old right hemi. She has active movement in all UL joints, has full ROM and has no subluxation. She is progressing well but I'm looking for inspiration for what else I can do to stimulate finger extension. She has limited extension in all digits - not enough to be functional. We are using sweeping as sensory stim., active & active - assisted exercises, weight-bearing....
Got any more ideas to stimulate extension as there has been no progress over the last week? There is a slight increase in flexor tone but it is not inhibitory and when it is inhibited she doesn't gain any extension.
All suggestions welcome.[/QUOTE]
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Please start the constraint induced movement therapy as you may get a lot of success with improvement of hand function.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
my suggestion is PNF only. PNF not only initiates the movement but also gives strengthening to the muscles.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
try PNF.. it s more useful always in most neurological conditions
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
I totally agree with Roshan's view except with one ;) . The web site URL that Roshan gave is wrong and it should be as www.sammonspreston.com . I was just trying to help out all of you there who are in search of the website for the splint. http://www.sammonspreston.com/
Your post was really informative.
Rahid Kader
Originally Posted by
my self roshan dominic
physio from india.working as cordinator for one of the finest stroke rehab centers in india
i'll give u few sugesstions for the same.plz try n u'll get good results
1.plz try functional hand splint.if its not available ready made,plz contact ur OT for that.or u may try it through SAMMONSAND PRISTON.COM
3.try giving TENS for flexors and icing for extensors simultaneosly
4.never facilitate finger flexors,even if they have some movement.
5.do quick iceing for all extensors with quick strectching
6.never do quick stretching for flexors as it stimulates flexor synergy
try this methods n get back to me
I'm treating a woman with a 5 week old right hemi. She has active movement in all UL joints, has full ROM and has no subluxation. She is progressing well but I'm looking for inspiration for what else I can do to stimulate finger extension. She has limited extension in all digits - not enough to be functional. We are using sweeping as sensory stim., active & active - assisted exercises, weight-bearing....
Got any more ideas to stimulate extension as there has been no progress over the last week? There is a slight increase in flexor tone but it is not inhibitory and when it is inhibited she doesn't gain any extension.
All suggestions welcome.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
i had tried irradiation technique and especially concentrated on the diagonal pattern of PNF.. i'd elicited the flexor synergy muscles in the begining and then concentrated on the extensor group rather than treating both together.. this i did bcoz flexor synergy is more easilly elicitable then extensors.. for a time being.. try to concentrate on a single group rather than both the groups.. this is only to get a balance.. get back in treating flexor groups when u feel appropriate.. Ur clinical judgment will help you best in this situation..
hope u can get a good result..
best of luck..
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Thanks very much for all your replies - she has increased activity in all her fingers, still struggling to get IP extension of the thumb (the only position she achieves this is in supine when she's reaching for the ceiling and protracting the scapula. I have tried PNF with her but she tends to do better with hands off techniques. With hands on she tends to sit back and not do anything.
Thanks again,
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
finger and thumb extension is always facilitated with elbow exension(similar to the position you described of reaching the ceiling). you could repeat the finger and wrist movements alongwith gradualy incorporating elbow and shoulder flexion. once the pathway of extensoin is open all that is neede is reinforcement in different joint positions. try PNF trechniques with only voice commands from mid range to end range movements the you want to facilitate
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
can anyone give me the reference to irradiation techniques, what is it
how is it applied, where is it applied.........
all suggestion are welcome....
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
you can check "PNFin pratice by ADLER"
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Originally Posted by
Im srikanth, I have been teaching and using PNF techniques on my patients for quite some time. Try using irradiation techniques, they are quite useful in initiating thumb and finger extension. If u need more details please give the stonger components in ur patients limb. Good luck
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Originally Posted by
Please start the constraint induced movement therapy as you may get a lot of success with improvement of hand function.
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Originally Posted by
can anyone give me the reference to irradiation techniques, what is it
how is it applied, where is it applied.........
all suggestion are welcome....
can u tell me how can we initiate finger extension?my patient has got flexor synergy,but she can extend the elbow n has got wrist drp
Additional Comment I forgot:
can u teach me the irradiation tecnique for my patient who has devlopd flexor synergy n has 0 finger extension?
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
I feel your Pt has a more of flexor tone/synergy then it's counterpart(the extensor). I hope you need to go for INHIBITION of flexor the finger.
Once you can control this you should also concentrate in facilitation of the wrist and the finger extensor's...
Good luck.. bye
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
can u tell me how2 do inhibition of flexors?
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
For Inhibition of hypertonocity there are many technique. All are based on basics of neurophysiology.
to name a few: Reflex Inhibition posture, Reciprocal inhibition. etc are wonderful.
k Best of Luck
Re: gaining finger extension post-stroke
Since I am just a survivor you don't have to listen to me but has anyone looked at the diagnosis, ie. is the area controlling finger extension dead, if so then neuroplastical modification is required first. Otherwise the assumption you all are making is that all the motor control you are expecting to recover is in the penumbra, which will spontaneously recover in 6-12 months anyway.