Questionnaire for quadriplegia
Hello All,
I am searching for a questionnaire for my dissertation. My dissertation topic is "VENTILATORY MUSCLE TRAINING IN QUADRIPLEGIC PTS". I have taken outcome measure as PFT but there is little difference in it although subjective improvement is there.
The patient feels better in speaking, coughing, execising etc. I want some questionnaire on that can any one help me out in this or how to get that questionnaire on intenet because on internet I get their names only not full questionnaire
RESPIRATORY SYMPTOM AND HISTORY QUESTIONNIARE is one of them. I look forward to any replies
Re: Questionnaire for quadriplegia
Have you tried looking in:
Measuring health: a guide to rating scales and questionnaires / by Ian McDowell
Imprint New York : Oxford University Press, 2006/
This describes all validated tests etc and where to get them.