Martial arts adductor scar tissue help
Hi all,
Would be hugely appreciated if I could have some thoughts, I'll try to sound as professional as possible. :cool:
I'm a 29 year old martial artist, started when I was seven and was stretching and doing high kicks etc from a young age. I've been doing a lot of aerial kicks which involve jumping and twisting a lot.
About three years ago I developed pain on adduction in the right anterior part of my groin. It came on slowly, and was not noticeable until I shifted a bucket with my foot and felt some pain in the adductors.
The pain stayed for three months or so, and eventually subsided. About two years later, while training in a very cold gym, I push kicked with the left leg while standing on the right, (google 'teep kick') and felt a noticeable popping sensation, with no immediate pain, although some discomfort came on during the rest of the class.
I also noticed some pain when sneezing and coughing, and a referred pain in the very lower part of the abdomen.
I failed to RICE the injury and stupidly continued training (carefully) for a couple of months, there was only pain on steadying the hip (ie slipping on ice, wet floor etc) and getting out of cars etc.
Started physio about three months after the injury. He tested for labral tear - nothing, no inguinial hernia, and started on a strength based rehab program. Got the leg strong with theraband, stretching, and was back in training with no pain after about three weeks.
Had pain near to insertion on squeezing inflatable ball with legs straight, legs bent, and legs bent raised above chest.
So the situation now.
I've given the deep stretching a long break of a year, and for the last few weeks have returned to the hip openers that originally were pretty painful, most notably the butterfly stretch against a wall.
My flexibily is improving again, BUT I'm getting a lot of feedback from the site of the old injury.
Relaxation of muscle into stretch is not progressive as the other hip, feels like a joint without oil, doesn't relax as fast as the non injured side.
Aches when returning from stretch to normal posture.
Some infrequent pain, disappears fast.
Soreness day after stretching, fades within 48hrs then joint feels better than before.
Some light pain after training/stretching when turning foot clockwise and anticlockwise with straight leg.
I don't expect thorough answers, but if this seems like a scar tissue issue please let me know and I'll book in with the physio.
Thanks in advance
Re: Martial arts adductor scar tissue help
I will not answer you with a long answer because unfortunately for you it did not accept me by the time of posting. Thank you physiobase.
1 Labral tear testing unreliable unless MRA imaging. 2 Pain in Adductor area does not mean problems with adductors. Can be e.g. sportgroin, mis alignment of pelvis. 3 You do not mention any control exs to stabilise core and pelvis done. 4. Speed and strength uncontrolled is not aiming for Bullseye but for disaster. 5 Be seen by a professional sports physiotherapist with links proven with professional football players, rugby players and so on.
Quote Bruce Lee: The missing of a blow or intended kick means momentary loss of balance (and) Balance must be under control AT ALL TIMES so that the fighter will not lose his control in the middle of an action. (which you likely do and did with kicking midair)
Re: Martial arts adductor scar tissue help
I'm not a professional so can't suggest any treatment but what I know is that you should get your MRI done and then tell us what that says. Probably then, I could be of some help.
Re: Martial arts adductor scar tissue help
I have a shiatsu therapy background, and I have suffered this same injury. Very painful, the best thing for this muscle is to let it heal and then gradually working back into your routine.
martial arts training