Any ideas for a workstation model for Parkinson's Disease falls and balance group?
I have to set up a station based program for a falls & balance group with 6-8 stations addressing the areas outlined below for participants with
Parkinson's Disease. The activities at each station must be flexible or broad enough to suit the level of each individual in the group ie. can make more or less difficult. I must first develop the program before I enlist and assess patients. The areas that must be addressed are:
The session will run for approx. 1 hr so each station can run for 8 minutes to allow 2 minutes to change over to the next station.
* LL strength
* Trunk & UL stength combined (reaching, weights etc)
* endurance
* balance (reducing BOS, incorporate internal perturbations etc)
* Protective reactions (stepping, rocking shifting weight etc)
* Gait (part re-ed, braiding etc)
* Stretching
Of course the more dimensions one activity has the better, such as a LL strenghening activity that also incorporates protective reactions or stretching.
The problem I have is coming up with exercises that are interesting and not repetitive. I should probably have 3 different activities that i can set up at each station as I'll be running it for 6 weeks so I wan't to be able to change it up a bit.
I am so bored with reaching to tap balloons etc.
If you've had success with a particular activity or task that your patients responded well to, I would really love to hear about it. Any suggestions you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Also, is the use of treadmill for an endurance station generally appropriate for Parkinson's patients?
Thanking you in advance