Help on Knee Brace for Skiing
Hi Everyone,
A few months ago, I was tackled awkwardly and my knee was taken sideways. Anyway, I mildly tore one of the ligaments on the inside of my knee. My physio told me to do a certain range of exercises to heal it, and now she says I am able to go skiing again, which i love. She told me to get a knee brace, however. I went to a sports shop, and they had a large range of knee braces.
I was unsure of which one I should get. A few said they were suitable for skiing, but i was unsure of this was just in general, as none of them were injury specific. I was wondering whether anyone could point me in the right direction in terms of getting a knee brace. For the reference, my knee still hurts a bit if a run, but is strap it then, so i don't need one which does both.
So you know, i often ride the park (meaning i do jumps, and come down on my knee quite hard sometimes)
Thanks in advance
Re: Help on Knee Brace for Skiing
Your physiotherapist will be the one to assist you properly as in which brace to choose. As she's completely aware about your condition.