Colles Fracture (wrist) - recommended exercises?
Hi everyone,
I am new to the forum, having discovered it after a google search.
My name is Sean, Im 23 and from Glasgow, Scotland and I need some advice on how to improve range of movement and more importantly the strength in my (primary) right wrist/arm, which I fractured back in January.
After a bad fall I had to have an "open reduction and internal fixation" on a colles fracture (wrist) which basically means I had my wrist opened up and both ends of the fractured bone joined together using surgical plates and screws.
Having previously worked as a joiner I've had a brief career switch to office based work. But I am desparate to get back into my old line of work which will involve heavy lifting and use of hand tools.
If I am being honest my wrist is about 85-90% of what i can remember. Basically I just need some advice on what sort of exercises I can do to improve the strength in my wrist. Since I am wanting to go back into my old line of work should I just start messing about with a hammer and saw hoping my wrist will gradually re-adjust to its old ways? My main fear is doing damage to the injury - it has been about 3 months since I had the op.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
Thanks In advance.
Re: Colles Fracture (wrist) - recommended exercises?
im physio from india.. regarding ur wrist.. u said is about 3 months.. u can start the following exercises.
1. keep pressing a soft ball which fits into ur wrist.. later progressing to harder balls
2. hold a sand bag.. of ur tolerable weight in hand n bend ur wrist down, up and side to left n right.. but stabilise ur forearm.. gradually go on increasing the weight
3. do these exercise 4-5 times a day.. after taking a hot pack covering ur whole hand upto mid forearm..
be careful not to strain ur wrist.. n is ur fixators removed..?
Re: Colles Fracture (wrist) - recommended exercises?
Hi there,
thanks for the reply and your advice,
the fixators have remained in my wrist, they will only have to be removed if there are any complications such as infection.
thanks again.
Re: Colles Fracture (wrist) - recommended exercises?
Hallo all,
Firstly wish to u a fast and full recovery.
Now i think u have to treat the symptoms u have as :decreaing the pain and
swelling(ice,elevation,crepbandage) ,give attention to ur wrist positions as it should put in a comfortable position through graduating it's positions from being with gravitiy then against gravitiy, give attention also to range of motions of ur right shoulder,elbow ,superior radioulnar joint,wrist and fingers ...,
U can use ultrasound in low intensities to promote healing,softening scar tissue and help in calcum deposition even being have an internal fixators.
Exercises in addition to the above post u can use a wrist mobilizers, hands of door to move it up and down.....
Hope this could help u!!:rolleyes:
Re: Colles Fracture (wrist) - recommended exercises?
sir,i am an ent surgeon rt handed person.recently i suffered rt reverse colle's fracture,displaced,intraarticular on 2nd june,2011 as a result of rta.on that day closed reduction was done by my orthopaedic colleague.later i suffered from ulnar neuropraxia as a result of compartment syndrome.plater cut and made loose on 6th june.on 13th june after subsidence of oedema pop cast both sided with bandage applied with check ulnar neuropraxia still persists but improving very slowly.pop cast will be removed on 15th july.what kind of physiotherapy will you suggest.i regularly pratice gentle finger movement exercises with shoulder and elbow jt movements as much as i can. Dr. Saumyajit datta.ent surgeon.alipurduar.w.bengal.india.6th july.