where can I find an advised piece of reference material?
I was recently told that I may find some useful reference material in a very specific publication. I am not a student or linked in any way to the physiotherapy profession. As such I've tried searching the web for the document but the closest I can get is a site wanting to try and charge me £70 for the privilege. Can anyone help?
this is the document....
Burton AK, Tillotson KM, Symonds TL, Burke C and Mathewson T (1996)
Occupational Risk Factors for the First Onset and Subsequent Course of Low
Back Trouble A Study of Serving Police Officers. Spine Vol 21 No 22
Re: where can I find an advised piece of reference material?
The article seems to be almost 20 years old. It seems to me not worth to be a reference! I doubt you will be able to get it for free, unless someone has it lying about.
If you visit a local University, which has a health department (preferably also physiotherapy) you are likely to find it in their archive. Otherwise you could try search machines as PEDRO, Medline. I doubt you will get the full article for free though (which seems silly to me after 18 years when it is looked upon, I suppose, as some form of antiquity).
By the way what do you need it for?
Re: where can I find an advised piece of reference material?
Sorry that it has taken me so long to reply.
Thank you for your advice. I did manage to locate a copy of the document and yes, it was through the local university.
The document was suggested as a useful read, regardless of age, as it is linked with a piece of work that I'm trying to organise at my work at the moment. This is due to a significant increase in the number of my colleagues suffering from lower back, shoulder and neck problems as a result of changes that have been implemented without having been researched first.
Apologies that I can not go into further detail.