Degenerative cervical intervertebral disc
I've been treating a patient s/p degenerative cervical intervertebral disc surgery a month ago for approximately 2 weeks. The patient has generalized weakness of BLE/BUE with goals to improve bed mobility, transfers and increase activity tolerance in sitting and standing. The patient has made great improvements with bed mobility, however he continues to experience difficulties with transfers and standing with Mod/ Max A . The patient has difficulty with terminal knee extension to establish and maintain upright standing. Intervention includes, glute sets and bridging and BLE strengthening with emphasis on quads to aid in improving upright standings. I wanted to know if easy standing frame would benefit the patient to provide weight bearing and proprioception of BLE to increase activity tolerance.
Re: Degenerative cervical intervertebral disc
I think that would be beneficial as it will help maintain the body balance.
Re: Degenerative cervical intervertebral disc
I worried about was inhibiting the quad muscles from engaging. Thanks for your reply.
Re: Degenerative cervical intervertebral disc
You're most welcome. Do update about the patient's condition.