Dislocated Elbow
Help! I dislocated my elbow a few days ago. They put it back in 4 me at the hospital and I now have a heavy plaster cast on, which I hope to loose or swap 4 a lighter one in the next day or so. But I am going on vacation next weekend!
How can I help myself 2 make it better? It hurt like hell when I did it but I am free of pain now.
Many thanks :)
Re: Dislocated Elbow
Guess I am a bit late. How is your elbow now?
Are you out of the cast?
Re: Dislocated Elbow
hi, help
I dislocated my left elbow almost 7 weeks ago. I had it in a cast for 3 weeks, and now I cannot strighten it more than about 50 degrees. What exercise can I do to help it move. Its still really painful. I had a CT scan and there is a calcified tissue in there, but It was already there when I had my Xray taken after dislocation. WHAT CAN I DO???
Re: Dislocated Elbow
I also dilocated my elbow in May 2007, I made them (the hospital) take off the cast after a week as I was going on holiday. It was then in a sling for a further 2 weeks. I could not get my arm to straighten more than 70 degrees. I had some physio but in Januarly this year had an operation the release it. I live in the North West of England and we are lucky to have a super hospital and a very good surgeon, the operation lasted about 2 hours they went into my arm with a camera andcutting tool (this opertion is not without risk). It was then about 40 degrees. I had physio twice a week for 4 months, and at one stage the hospital made a splint for me to wear in bed. I would now say that my arm is about 10 degrees. I'm 61 years old so perhpas it will never be back to normal
It was my right arm so I was unable to do my hair, even put in my earrings, but I do most things now. You need to be careful that you don't injure your shoulder as well, as you can over use the shoulder when your elbow is not working correctly.
Hope this helps, good luck.
Re: Dislocated Elbow
Hi, i dislocated my elbow about 12 wks ago and broke the end of the humerous bone so that has been pinned, and have had some physio to try and get the movement back, i was told to dose myself up with pain killers so that i can forse it and break the soft tissue in order to get movement back, has anyone had this advise.? After wks of cruciating after pain i realised that my arm was springing back to where it started and that actially it was achieving nothing. My arm in flexion sits at 90degrees only and extension from their is about 4 inches only , hardly anything at all. I persisted in telling them that it just feels blocked and my efforts are pointless, my surgeon tells me to continue ,whilst my physio has agreed with me that my elbow feels blocked, i also had the same opinion from a private osteopath who couldnt help me. My surgeon has looked at my exrays and the placement of the pin and assures me everything is in order, and their is no further operation or tratment available. So basically i have to live with it, i am devastated my life has ended because my work is manual and its my own business, and all my sports activities are over. Is their any hope has anyone experienced this and has anyone had operations to improve movement. Thanks for any info.
Re: Dislocated Elbow
I dislocated my elbow four weeks ago, the plaster came off this week and like everyone else here I cannot sraighten it past 50 degrees or so. If i hold my hand out in front, palm down I can rotate it so the palm faces up but that's all. I run my own business coaching and leading kayaking. The sport has been my life for over 25 years, I'm only 34. I am waiting to hear about physiotherapy but the doctors at the hospital have no idea how long before I'll be fixed. Will I ever be able to paddle again or should I start looking for a new sport?
Re: Dislocated Elbow
It's sad to say that elbows are the most awkward of joints to rehabilitate from, especially fractures and dislocations. It's possible that you may only recover a portion of your range of movement what ever your age or previous level of activity. Obviously the more dilligent and determined you are with your physio, the better but you may never get it all back. However, I shall be delighted for one or all of you to prove me wrong! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...ies/wink-1.gif
Re: Dislocated Elbow
Hi Julie, i've just dislocated mine about 2 weeks ago and have to wear a hinged brace for 6 weeks, then start therapy. apparently mine ws quite nasty.
they'll then see what sort of movement I'll have going forward. in the n west of england. nhs team here are well regarded. also went to a sports rehab physio in Deeside n wales. to get a view on it.
Seems that if you want to get it back to a really good level, you have to really put the effort in, and go through the pain barrier a fair bit.
It does depend on what you've done, as to how far you can get it back, but if you set yr mind to it u can accomplish a fantastic recovery.
hope this helps.
Re: Dislocated Elbow
I should have included this in my last post. Like Julie B, I have only just dislocated my elbow, and want to know what exercises I can do to give it the very best chance of a full recovery. Can you help me please?
I have to wear a hinged brace for the next 6 weeks, to let the ligaments and tendons strengthen beofre I start Physio. I want to do as much as I can now, to ensure I can get back to wrestling in the future. At the moment, the range of movement is v limited and I'm really desperate to try and get i back as good as new, and strong once again.
Many thanks.
Re: Dislocated Elbow
Well, I'm not a physio, but there's really only two movements in the elbow and that is flexion/extension and rotation. So work hard at those with and without resistance.
Re: Dislocated Elbow
I dislocated my elbow badly about a week ago. Put it back in my self right away and forced my self to bend my arm straight to make sure it was in correctly. Got to the hospital and the doctor didnt believe me that it was dislocated. He told me to re book an appointment for 2 days time to see a different doctor, take paracetamol and it will be fine in a few days. The second doctor said it will take a few weeks but keep moving it as much as I can while its healing to help stop any mobility issues later. After reading all these posts about hinged arm braces, casts and slings, should I have something like that while it heals?