Bilateral Index Finger Pain
I have today assessed a 24 year old man with bilateral index finger pain and swelling. On examination pain was only reproduced on medial stressing of the 2nd proximal IPJ's. The fingers appeared swolen and he has reduced flexion secondry to this.
He is a rugby player and feels that the injuries may have been sustained last season, however the pain and swelling persist despite not playing at the moment.
Any ideas? I am at a loss as to how to help!
Re: Bilateral Index Finger Pain
Has he had Xrays? Is it worth getting blood tests to rule out inflammatory conditions?
Re: Bilateral Index Finger Pain
HI there,
It sounds like there is an inflammatory component to this problem. Check if there are aches and pains in other joints or refer back to GP to screen for arthritic conditions. In the mean time, treat the swelling aggressively - contrast baths 2-3 x/day), support with coban (a stretchy, compressive tape good for fingers),perhaps ultrasound subaqueously and gentle range of movement exercises. Strengthen in pain free range. Hope this helps.
Re: Bilateral Index Finger Pain
well we can try icing him and try to find if there is any trigger in his intrinsic muscles of hand.....and release them
Re: Bilateral Index Finger Pain
may be we can try cryotherapy with finger exercises.If it doesnt help try with infrared.
Re: Bilateral Index Finger Pain
yes.icing and ultrasoundhelps.