Quad muscles not firing, unable to do leg raise or lift foot from bent sitting position
It's been three months since the initial fall. Since then I've not been able to lift my leg straight off the bed nor able to lift my leg from bent position and still no knee reflex..
I've had arthogram ct and today ultrasound done to both knees to compare good vs questionable. I can not have an MRI as I have a spinal cord stimulator implant. When I went to see my Ortho dr he could only say I'm a unique case since I cannot lift my leg but everything looks good around the knee. There were definitely tears but seem to have healed or are close to healed. Tears to the MCL, partial tear of vastus lateralis and rectusfemoris with no full thickness quadriceps tendon tear,
Beside not being able to lift my leg, there is quite a bit of pain above, below and to the left of the knee cap (right leg). The knee is still very swollen. I experience great pain when standing. Showering is very difficult.
I still have knee buckling issues. Today coming down the stairs I felt a hard buckle. Lucking I had straight leg brace on to catch it and prevent a fall. When I refer to buckling, I end up on my back once the knee gives way. It's not pseudo buckling. My knee then really swells up. P
The hospital des said to start intense physical therapy on discharge. That was 2 1/2 months ago. If after a month not much progress to see a Ortho surgeon on the outside. No progress so I did. I was told to stop pt until test could be done. I could not get a MRI as I've got a spinal cord stimulator implant. Thus ct. I was at pt for month and a half, and we were not able to get the muscles firing.
I was told to get a EMG now. I had one done four weeks after initial fall. pieces of the report, " i cannot explain the underlying focal weakness of the right leg based on the EMG?... so, that statement alone says a lot, no? Todays dr said we should really have had the test conducted 8 weeks out, is that true? should the 4 week test have been done?
i'm going to get the PT going again and have the EMG done, but can anyone out there help with an idea or two as two what might be causing my issue? the main one is inability to lift leg and knee buckling... i've already fallen 5 times, with each instance aggravating the knee more. Im repally at a loss... HELP>>>>
is is it possible to injure the quad muscles higher up that would prevent them from firing? I'm also experiencing back issues and have asked about fermoal nerve problems? Hopefully EMG will determine. If anyone have any other suggestions as to why my knee is still swollen, I'm still in quite a bit of pain in the knee, quad, and hip areas (and the back), please let me know. Googling 'my quad muscles aren't firing has brought about a lot of new pages to review... Brought me to this great site. Thanks folks.
Re: Quad muscles not firing, unable to do leg raise or lift foot from bent sitting position
there seems to be alot of information missing about what sort of accident you had and how your state of "back health" and pain back and leg mobility was beforehand. If your quads aren't firing the knee will give way unless braced or hyperextended. Your doctors will have to sort out if your lack of quads is due to nerve injury somewhere along the line or extensive tearing (you don't say how much) and scarring of muscle tissue or pain inhibition due to knee injury or a combination of a few causes.
Re: Quad muscles not firing, unable to do leg raise or lift foot from bent sitting position
I agree with Judith in the amount of information needed to help is missing. Where is your pain? Do you have any pins and needles or numbness? Why did you have the lumbar fusion in the first place? What was effected by your lumbar spine? Generally back surgery occurs because of numbness or weakness in the legs. If your leg is giving way the number of times you mention, it is possible that the swelling is due to this rather than to damage in the knee.
Re: Quad muscles not firing, unable to do leg raise or lift foot from bent sitting position
You have not mentioned the type and site of injury. Is there any wasting of the Quadriceps muscle ? It looks like that there is a Quadriceps lag . The locking mechanism of the knee joint is not functioning. Hence a detailed clinical examination and evaluation is necessary before coming to final conclusion.
Re: Quad muscles not firing, unable to do leg raise or lift foot from bent sitting position
I am your twin..I had a meniscus tear repaired and debridment of plica and fat pad. I had a fall on a concrete block twisted knee. June 2016 was the surgery. I struggled had cortisone and SYNVISC injections no help. Did my PHYSIO took 1 1/2 years to do a leg raise...I still limp and have lots of pain. My leg went weak..Muscle atrophy my leg was straight unable to bend at the beginning. No infection. It's one night mare. How are you doing have you healed. I'm seeing a neurologist he did some tests couldn't find much. I found on my own I have flare ups which I think is CRPS. At night I got restless leg syndrome knee jerk twitching more to it band side and best was burning pain entire knee which woke me up. I could tell it was as all morning I could not get out of bed cause of no energy. I was reactive for Epstein Barr Virus. I still suffer from fatigue...I walk with a cane and use a scooter for distance. I can't sit long my hamstrings cause pain goes towards knee. I've learnt one thing injections don't help me. I do a simple calf exercise with reduces the 10/10 pain immediately...so I don't get no more injections. My knee is very stiff. I do my PHYSIO but when I get worm down I take 1-2-3 weeks off until my energy back. My last flare took 20 days before I was able to do anything. I still don't have a diagnosis for this. It's crippling.