Trying to be a physiotherapist in NZ
Hi all,
I am Sarah Jung from South Korea.
I want to get any advice to be a physiotherapist in NZ.
I graduated 4years physiotherapy school in South Korea.
Also, I have 1 years full time experience at general hospital.
Of course, I have IELTS 7.5 to prove my Eng.
I saw few who resister NZ physiotherapist board in their countries.
When I asked to board they send me this information.
"To gain registration in New Zealand as a physiotherapist under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (HPCA Act) competence must be demonstrated in cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapy in all the nine areas of physiotherapy competency."
Is that demonstration able online?
However, the real problem is visa.
Even if I get approved by NZ physiotherapist board, without visa I cannot go NZ
So here's what I have. apply a working holiday visa or have a interview in South Korea and get a working visa.
Summarize my messy question !
1. Is it possible to register NZ physiotherapist board in South Korea
2. Which visa is best for my situation
Give me any advice for my options.
Thank you.