History of Physiotherapy in Sweden and the threats to Physiotherapist profession
I am doing my final year research project and am doing a comparative analysis of PT in Sweden and New Zealand.
1) This includes the history of PT in the respective countries. I have already managed to source the history of PT for NZ, I just need to find details about Sweden.
2) The current threats to the profession. I have already managed to source the respective info for NZ can anyone help me with some specific threats to the profession in Sweden today.
If quoting from articles please could you send me appropriate details so that I can reference properly.
Thanks to all
Stressed final year student!
Re: History of Physiotherapy in Sweden and the threats to Physiotherapist profession
Hello Jess;
you can access knowledge regarding physiotherapy in NZ from the NZ physio.society http://www.physiotherapy.org.nz/Inde...ex_Welcome.htm
You can find knowkedge regarding physiotherapy in Sweden in http://www.sjukgymnastforbundet.se/
Re: History of Physiotherapy in Sweden and the threats to Physiotherapist profession
Thanks Emad but I have already accessed those websites and many others
Re: History of Physiotherapy in Sweden and the threats to Physiotherapist profession
Hello Again Jess :
You can contact the Sweden Physiotherapy Society or association , they may have advice ...articles ....Sure they have something to say .
Re: History of Physiotherapy in Sweden and the threats to Physiotherapist profession
Thanks again another great suggestion but I have already done that as well!
Keep them coming!
Re: History of Physiotherapy in Sweden and the threats to Physiotherapist profession
hey wats the scope of msc in sports sceince in sweden