Anyone who suffers from Miserable Malalignment Syndrome
I have been having knee and leg pain lately. I have been to the doctors a couple times and they seem to think there is nothing wrong with me and just told me to take ibuprofen. At first I thought I had Osgood Schlatters but the test came back negative. I was looking online at what could be wrong and I found a picture of someone who has Miserable Malalignment Syndrome. My legs look exactly like the women in the picture, but not as severe. I can't find much information on it online though is it a uncommon condition?
And I really don't know how to get the doctors to take me seriously. Any advice or tips?
Re: Anyone who suffers from Miserable Malalignment Syndrome
You cannot be certain about the syndrome. The pain might be because of some other reason. I would suggest you to visit an OS for a better advice.
Re: Anyone who suffers from Miserable Malalignment Syndrome
hi, how u doing, You found doctor that helped you?, I have this condition and for 18 years I have been misdiagnosed, couple days ago I finally found my answers, I even graduated phisioterapy to get my answers, without my english I never would get my answers because in my country there is a very bad healtcare, I could say that I was like Alice in a wonderland, step by step I headed to my hole, so go to the heart of the matter, firs you have to find doctor who knows that condition, I visited many doctors and even I specificaly pointed my symptoms, even using medicine language they thought that Im crazy, so this is the key, the right doctor that knows this disease, I send a mail to doctor and described this condition,he answerded me'' come to me'' when you think you can go to him, the basic thing is to take a computed tomography of the hip to evaluate internal hip rotaion, second thing is q angle,, when your hip is internally rotating your shin may rotate outwards, when you walk this cause pain in your knee because the knee joint is programed to flex and extend not to twist, doctor should tell if your case is the one ''malalignement syndrome'' this condition is common to people which have anterior pelvic tilt, when your pelvis is tilted femur may intrenally rotate, natural compensation is shin rotating outwards, chcek this site, this is an explanation to this condition 7 very common posture issues, and how to correct them |
Re: Anyone who suffers from Miserable Malalignment Syndrome
Caligirl86 and Miguel: I just sent you both private messages. My wife also suffers from rotational deformities that may qualify as MMS. I've been struggling for years trying to find someone who can adequately diagnose and treat her problems. Caligirl86, we also happen to be in the East Bay! So I'd really love to know if you've made any progress since you posted your message. Miguel: Who is the doctor who finally helped you? I'd like to contact that person as well. Hope you both are feeling better!