Placement for period of adapttation
Hi evrybody,
I am an Physiotherapist with 16 years work experience who trained in Germany.few years ago i applied for registration with the HPC in London,they decided that i need to absolve a 6 month Adaptation Period,but the problem is to find a Hospital or Clinic in the Uk that can provide me with this problem or to find a Supervisor to support question is:can someone help me,please.
Notice:I completed and Attended my qualification with folowing course in further training:Sport medicin,Bobath Concept,Chiro practice,Manuell Lymhdrainage therapy,General Acupuncture and ear aucupuncture,etc.
kind Regards
Adel 1700
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
I am in the same point as you. I also have to complete a period of adaptation. Having no idea how to do that I contacted a company that deals with HPC issues. They advised me that the best idea is to pass as aptitude test, because finding place for period of adaptation is almost impossible. So I will try to do this, however it seems hard to prepare to the test. I advise you also to contact registered physio who could help you or a company specializing in it like I did.
I wish you all the best.
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Hi Rafal,
Thanks a lot for your advise.would you like write me the name of company who deals with the HPC?thanks
My best freinds come from polen.
wish you all the best too
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
No problem. The company is based in London. The name is J&K Balance LTd. Home
Hope you find a solution soon.
QUOTE=Adel 1700;80118]Hi Rafal,
Thanks a lot for your advise.would you like write me the name of company who deals with the HPC?thanks
My best freinds come from polen.
wish you all the best too[/QUOTE]
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Hi Rafal,
How are you and wath did you about Adaptation?must you completed the module Research Methodology after Period of Adaptation or only P.O.A?but the Aptitut test go on 3 hours with assesments.questions and asks will focus on Standards of Proficiency.otherwise is all ok by you?till soon.
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Hi Adel,
Thank you, I am OK. I have let them know already that I choose a test so now I am waiting for their response. I dont need to do any module.
Hope you are OK, did you contact them?
Originally Posted by
Adel 1700
Hi Rafal,
How are you and wath did you about Adaptation?must you completed the module Research Methodology after Period of Adaptation or only P.O.A?but the Aptitut test go on 3 hours with assesments.questions and asks will focus on Standards of Proficiency.otherwise is all ok by you?till soon.
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Hi Rafel,
I hope and praying for you.i know you can do it.write me if you have their, i didnt contact them!i think,they not to do something!!i must completed research methodology modul too?i dont know wath is it,i have not modul research methodology in my curiculum??till soon rafal
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Hi Rafal,
How are you?how is your sitution now?did you have response from them for your test?i hope is all ok and all the best.
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Hi Rafel,
How are you?I have not and Info. about you and your Test? i hope all is ok by you?
Re: Placement for period of adapttation
Please check the following web site -
Monroe Medical Ltd offers adaptation courses, case study review and physiotherapy placements.