Life of a Physiotherapy Student: An Insider's Guide to University
Hi everyone,
I’ve written an e-book that is available on amazon for £1.99. “Life of a Physiotherapy Student: An Insider's Guide to University” is a genuine guide to life as an undergraduate physiotherapy student, covering everything from your first practical exam to some top tips for life on placement. With a brief introduction about what physiotherapy is really about and some advice about that daunting university application form. This e-book takes the reader through some of the most important milestones of university life, dissertation included, finishing up with some advice towards getting that all-important first job. Some other interesting chapters include: 'Anatomy', 'Elective Placement', 'The Art of Reflection', 'Critical Appraisal in a Nutshell' and 'The Infamous Harvard Referencing System'.
I would have loved a book like this to have prepared me a little better regarding what to expect when starting university. I hope you all find it helpful and good luck with your future careers in the world's greatest profession. Just follow the link below:
Re: Life of a Physiotherapy Student: An Insider's Guide to University
This has been really helpful, I am not yet on a course but have an interview next week for a Pre reg Msc in physio so fingers crossed!