Literature searching
I am just writing to enquire, I am about to embark on writing my dissertation, well need to do the lit searching first, however I am looking on the search engines and finding lots of articles relevant to my topic title. The only problem is, that, my university athens subscription isnt allowing me to view full articles or some articles are asking for payments.
I have found many articles that i would be interested in reading up and hoping they would be suitable for my lit review, however i dont want to order any through the uni, which would cost, to then find they are really not suitable, so you can see my predicament.
Does anyone know of any other places or sites that i may be able to view these articles as a universal thing, rather than needing a certain university subscription?
Thanks for you help.
Re: Literature searching
why not U try google scholar, i use this site to find lots of article when i did my research
Re: Literature searching
Try searching for 'Free medical articles' at google. I used Pubmed before which is really good for research. Good luck.
Re: Literature searching
i too would suggest u 2 search on medline and pubmed as some of the articles of journals of physiology are even free..
Re: Literature searching
I am a second year student of physiotherapy (2009). We do a lot of work on evidence-based-practice, and therefore have to work quite a bit with research engines on scientific articles.
For a group work in which we assessed the efficacy of lachman, anterior drawer and pivot shift test to diagnose an ACL injury (vs
MRI), we had the best-by-far results using google scholar
Apparently, this engine scams through a lot of different databases (pubmed, etc.). If you order the articles by date (most recent ones first), it might be even more helpful.
Some other factors can be settled in the advanced search.
type in GOOGLE SCHOLAR in google and you will find the engine. I cannot post links here (because I dont have enough posts), so you can bookmark it then if you want.
Re: Literature searching
hi friend
you can even try the CEBP database,american jounal of physiotherapy and australian journal of physiotherapy will provide you back volumes free.
for systematic reviews-try cochrane database