Post knee surgery
Hi everyone I had an acl reconstruction using harmstring tendons 6 weeks ago and its going well except some concern i have, when i straighten it fully and strengthen my quads then i bend it, theres some tighteness that grows gradually while bending to a point where it sorta sometimes popps or just kind of pressure release and then it bends without a problem, what is it? Is it normal? im starting to get concerned :/
Re: Post knee surgery
Still has swelling within the knee joint, perhaps? Have u asked your Dr & therapist? ....why not? :P
Re: Post knee surgery
Hey thanks for the reply! Yes theres still some swelling and I can literally see blood getting out of the knee joint when it popps, but I just wanted to know if this is normal. Thanks for the reply again, really appreciate it.
Re: Post knee surgery
consult the orthopedic surgeon who has done the ACL reconstruction as he the best person to advice in this matter.