Belgian educated physiotherapist looking to work in Canada
Hi to all,
I'm Victor. Next year I will be graduating from the KU Leuven program "Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy".
My family is already living in Canada, and I have my Permanent Resident Card too, so I can live there.
My question is: Are there people with a physiotherapy degree from a Belgian university that work in Canada, or want to take the PCE exam in Canada?
Also: Does anybody know whether, in general, Belgian degrees are found to be sufficiently equivalent to Canadian ones in the credentialling process?
All information is welcome!
Thanks in advance!
Re: Belgian educated physiotherapist looking to work in Canada
I have stumbled upon a facebook sites that may help for people planning to take the licensing exam in Ontario.
This is a facebook group where people meet up to practice:
Hope this helps!