Developing Orthopaedic Medicine in Asia
Orthopaedic Medicine is the newest speciality for Physical Therapists. Orthopaedic Medicine was introduced as a medical speciality by Dr. James H. Cyriax (MD). He was the father of Orthopaedic Medicine (OM). His wife was a Physiotherapist. So, she was the Mother Of Orthopaedic Medicine. In her total life, she played an important role to develop it by supporting her husbend. In 1985 Cyriax died.
After his death, his student Monika Keson and Alin Atkin worked for The Society Of Orthopaedic Medicine (SOM), UK. This is the organization who provides Diploma and MS in OM.
On the otherhand, Europian Teaching Group of Orthopaedic Medicine (ETG-OM) founded by Bob De-coninck (PT), Friend of Dr. Cyriax, providing OM eduction through out the world.
Now a days OM courses are arranging at Bangladesh, Sawdi-Arabia, Bahrain. In Bangladesh PhysioBD is doing a great job to develop OM as a speciality for Physical Therapists in their country.
India Should take a stape to introduce this courses in their countey. Other countries of Asia have to take stape to develop Physical Therapy profession in their country.
Md. Osman Gony Rony
BPT, PG. Dip. OM