Best back stretching device?
I hope this is in the right section it's to do with my back/spine which is relating to chiropractic which can relate to orthopaedic. I have a problem with my spine but it's mainly the lower part this affects my hips and as a result it is painful to run jump and I can't stand for long, it's especially painful in my right hip and I have balance problems. This has been due to activity in sport and I have had this problem for a long time but since 2012 I've really started researching and have significant but slow success in improving my condition.
I have decided buying some equipment to help with my back problems and I would like some advice. I know there are inversion tables, this seems to be a bad idea because I have gastritis and I think hanging upside down could be bad for it, also it has been stated it's not that good for the lower back which is the main problem. I have identified some equipment which could be good:
True Back Traction device
Nubax Trio
Teeter Hang Up Spinal Stretch
Stamina In-Line Back Stretch Bench
Saunders Lumbar Traction Device
True Back traction device - Well I've heard good things about it and it seem's really affordable but is it a case of you get what you pay for and will paying for something more expensive be better?
Nubax Trio - This could be a problem because I have to lean forward on my knees could be a problem for my right hip depending on how I do it or if it's for too long.
Teeter Hang Up Spinal Stretch - I've heard if you're tall it's a problem. So there's that.
Stamina In-Line Back Stretch Bench - Looks good but it seems in order to get the stretch working you have to pull the lever at an awkward angle. My right shoulder is a bit dodgey I have small problems with upper spine but not that bad.
Saunders Lumbar Traction Device - This is actually the one I really want to get. It sounds really good and can apply 200lbs of stretching force. The problem is this they say that if I'm not careful that I could potentially hurt myself and that I should consult my phsycian. Well In the UK we have a GP not sure what they could tell me because they dont specialise in that area I guess I could book an appointment with a physio or a chiropractor, that's more money I have to spend and the device is really expensive.
What are your thoughts on this?
Re: Best back stretching device?
Physiotherapy helps to heal injury, illness, or disability. It helps to restore movement and function in muscle tissue or joint area. Physiotherapy helps to prevent further damage in the affected area. Treatment should be done to support and manage good health and prevent disease. You can do physiotherapy treatment at home at any time and anywhere with a natural approach without any side effects with the help of an Ultracare Pro device which is tested and approved by a physiotherapist. To know more:-