1 Attachment(s)
Hip pain at certain angles (have seen physio)
My hips are tight, mainly to the side. Forwards and backwards its pretty good.
That tightness aside, my actual problem is pain at certain angles.
A perfect way of causing the pain is stood up straight, legs apart (approx 70cm) and then leaning to the side and pulling the hip in.
With my legs at various angles, it will also trigger the sharp pain.
I went to a physio and when he pulled the hip using the method on the attached picture….
The pain went away, regardless of the leg angle and all the time he was ‘pulling’ (but only then).
I had to stop going to this physio after he misdiagnosed a broken wrist, but that’s not important.
My questions are:
1. What did this mean, how did pulling the hip like that make it ok?
2. What can I do to try and fix the issue?
Any help is incredibly appreciated!
Attachment 1331
Re: Hip pain at certain angles (have seen physio)
Hi Dave,
would you mind posting this in the "Patient Corner" please?
You might get better replies.
Re: Hip pain at certain angles (have seen physio)
Sorry, I got confused.
This forum has more sections than posters LOL
I mean come on, why so many categories on such a small forum.
Re: Hip pain at certain angles (have seen physio)
Sorry, but it's a Forum for Physios who would like to discuss treatment approaches, registration in other countries etc. with each other.
The purpose is to support each other and offer guidance and updates. There are over 30.000 Physios registered on this site. For our profession this is a rather large number. And we are happy with all the subcategories.
It is not a medical helpline, but so everyone can ask questions, a Patient Corner is available.
Good luck.