I was just wondering where is the best place to study a bachelor degree in physiotherapy ?
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I was just wondering where is the best place to study a bachelor degree in physiotherapy ?
I don't think there are big differences between Australia and New Zealand.
Don't know about Australia, but in NZ the current international fees (those for Students from Overseas) for studying a 4 year Bachelor of Health Science/Physio are NZ $ 32.000 per year.
English language requirements need to be confirmed; there is a variety of tests available. The IELTS is the most common one.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for the Help Fyzzio !
Another question AUT or Otago ?
Since only two of these universities in New Zealand offer a Bachelor degree of Health Science/ Physio.
there is just about no difference in curriculum since we have competencies determined by the NZ PT Board.
I think that fees are about the same.
The rest is personal preference, e.g. would you rather live in Auckland or Dunedin ....
Cheers, Fyzzio
hi everyone, my name is aakash.i am physiotherapist from india..i live in melbourne. i want to know which way easier to become registrated physiotheraphy in australia..by giving apc exam or study again for degree in melbourne..i heard dat apc clinical exam is hard to pass..i am permenant resident in australia..
plz guide me..