Inner Knee pain
I’m suffering from severe Inner knee pain along with inflammation and numbness in the lower knee area. My physiotherapist in Physiomed ( http://www.physiomed.ca/ ) had told me that this is because of MCL injury. He also advised me to do simple exercises like smoothening and strengthening exercise along with the therapeutical treatment will help you to reduce the pain and swelling. Can someone suggest simple exercises that won’t hurt my knee? How long should it take to restore full mobility? Kindly share your MCL injury experiences.
Re: Inner Knee pain
You want to get a good cold compress on it to get down as much inflammation as possible. You want to do this especially after any activity that might strain the area (even walking). If the area is inflamed, it prevents nutrient rich blood from circulating, which is what we need to heal. I also recommend taping the knee as much as possible during your recovery. Taping gives support and also helps reduce the chance of re-injury.
Re: Inner Knee pain
after got injury your body will respond it with wrong mechanism when walking standing or running. So it can make your muscle work not properly, after that your joint will get more pressure so can make inside part feel pain. My suggestion you can use insole to correct your wrong mechanism when do activity so it can make you feel better. for further information you can contact me to my gmail. [email protected]. thanks