Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
Sounds like subluxation of the sternoclavicular. Perhaps, seeking orthopedic follow up is more appropriate? But your case doesn't sound like require surgical stabilization. Physiotherapy exercise probably cant help u much as the joint mainly uses ligaments to maintain joint position rather than muscles. Manipulation of the joint can be done by physiotherapists or chiropractor, but it will probably make the joint even more unstable and more prone to subluxation or dislocation, so that probably isn't appropriate either.
If I were you, I would get a consultation with orthopedic Dr first. Find out if it is anything serious. If there is nothing else that relate to the subluxation problem, then perhaps you dont need to do anything about it.
Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
Thanks for the reply !
I went to a physiotherapist but it wasn't very helpful for the problem. She just released all of the trigger points I had around the shoulder and trapezius.
I'm going to try an orthopedic/sport doctor as you suggested and see if it can give me a better understanding of the problem :).
I am also in agreement when you talk about the ligaments, it feels maybe they don't hold the end of the bone in position. I hope I didn't rip them off but I feel no pain at all.
Anyway, I'll give my feedback if might help other people !
PS : Also, my clavicle looks like it is a bit more "out" under the neck than the other one. That said, my two clavicles are very dissimilar in shape (my torso is also very asymetric) so this might not be useful evidence.
Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
Hey ! Just an update to say that I went to an orthopedic doctor/surgeon as you suggested.
He confirmed that this is probably a subluxation. Just advised me to not put my elbow too far back, past my torso.
I'm just wondering if the ligaments can heal over time or if I'm going to be stuck with chronic subluxation forever (I forgot to ask him). I heard of dry needling and prolotherapy, what do you think of these ? It seems very difficult to find practioners of these in any case.
Do you have other suggestions that could help the recovery ?
Thank you !!
Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
Hi Jojo37,
It has been a long time since you last posted here. Could you give me an update of your situation? Did you manage to sort the problems with your SC joint?
Let' s say I have simmilar situation and looking for some solution.
Thank you
Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
Originally Posted by
Hi Jojo37,
It has been a long time since you last posted here. Could you give me an update of your situation? Did you manage to sort the problems with your SC joint?
Let' s say I have simmilar situation and looking for some solution.
Thank you
Hi Agnes,
Unfortunately I didn't try any further therapy to fix the problem. I simply keep working out while paying attention. I often feel some light inflammation in the area coming from the instability and the bone-against-bone rubbing. This might provoke arthritis in the long term and I should probably be careful.
Good luck with your search ! I'm interested if you find something effective
Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
I am undergoing prolotherapy now. In 2 weeks time I will have fourth injection. I do feel improvement, it skips much less but is still painfull. My SC joint is a bit lower than the healthy one and I am thinking about mobilisation or manual manipulation to enncourage it into correct position. Something skips in my arm as well and it certainly is connected with the problem in SC joint (started together) but MRI shows nothing abnormal in my shoulder. I whish it had never happened but well.....If you had such possibility try prolo it seems to work.
Re: Clavicle dysfunction ?
Originally Posted by
Thanks for the reply !
PS : Also, my clavicle looks like it is a bit more "out" under the neck than the other one. That said, my two clavicles are very dissimilar in shape (my torso is also very asymetric) so this might not be useful evidence.
It just come to my mind that maybe there is some kind of muscle imbalance around the clavicle? causing it the subluxation. Try search for a picture of "clavicle muscle attachment" picture. You can see the position of these muscles: subclavius; deltoid; trapezius and sternocleidomastoid. If one or more muscle is habitually pulling more than it needs to, it could exert unnecessary force onto the sternoclavicular joint. Due to your history of lifting weights, you may have developed excessive tension around these area. So your physiotherapist did the right thing, only that you need to keep doing it to yourself also. Otherwise, it could become tight again and you wouldnt even know about it because you are so used to the feeling.
Try massage those muscles, see if they feel aching or maybe just tight without discomfort. If you find it, use hot pack warm it up first then massage, then stretch. Do it at least once a day.