Band 6 considering going back to Band 5
Dear all,
im a new member to physiobob and would very much appreciate any advice any of you offer.
I qualified in 2009 and spent 3 years doing band 5 rotations before becoming a band 6 in community Neuro. Unfortunately my band 5 rotations were at a rehab hospital so I missed out on acute respiratory/ITU and on-call experience. I'm looking for a new job currently and would like to move back to inpatient rehab, specifically inpatient Neuro rehab. It seems that most nhs providers are now expecting on-call and respiratory experience even for inpatient rehab posts. I'm considering going back to do some acute band 5 rotations to cover this.
Do you think employers would consider a band 6 physio with 4 years experience at band 6 for a band 5 rotational post? Does anyone know of any other options that I could persue?
many thanks