Levator Scapulae Syndrome?
Hello Everyone,
I have had R-sided neck pain/stiffness for the past 1.5 months and I am a bit anxious to get this resolved. It started after an Olympic lifting session where I felt tightness on the R-side of my neck. I had an X-ray done w/o any severe abnormalities aside from loss of cervical lordosis. The orthopedic believed an MRI wasn't necessary and was more of a muscle-related issue. I saw a chiropractor and she was able to identify the problem area as the levator scapulae and she did some manual work on it. I've stopped any lifting for the past week and the pain has subsided, but I still have have mild stiffness limiting my ROM to the right. The chiropractor suggested I continue with some own massages in that area, which does provide temproary relief. I've been dealing with this issue for several weeks and has greatly limited my ability to train. It is very frustrating and I am hoping anyone can recommend anything that would accelerate the healing process. I've read that it is common among Oly-lifters and crossfitters (both of which I participate in) and have seen suggestions for A.R.T.
Re: Levator Scapulae Syndrome?
Hey mate,
Common occurrence as you said with oly and crossfit. We could delve into why but let's just look at what you could do to feel better.
- the pain you are feeling now is likely myofascial in origin and therefore the "self massage" work is indicated
- the lack of cervical lordosis indicates that like most humans your posture (think positioning) is poor
So in short the answer is always restore position. And then restore load tolerance.
So first start with watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGWdasfPi2I.
You need to get position. Spend more time on yoga, range of motion. For example.....watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVVUtV5W85I
Cheers let me know what you think
Re: Levator Scapulae Syndrome?
Thanks for the tips! I actually started PT to work on some positional exercises. My therapist noted that I had rounded shoulders so we are working on some thoracic spine exercises along with some neck stretching.
I just started doing some work with the lacrosse as shown in the video at my Crossfit gym and does improve my stiffness and ROM, but seems to come back a few hours later. Do I just keep at it? What's your opinion on getting some A.R.T done? And would you recommend I stop all heavy lifting? My chiro said Crossfit was fine but just reduce the load, but I'm hesitant since it appears to aggravate it if I go too many times per week. Been out for the past week but has felt like eternity!
Thanks again!
Re: Levator Scapulae Syndrome?
Keep at it! For reference, I would expect 6-9 months of consistent daily work to really change position. Should be taking all joint to loaded end range at least once daily.
In terms of heavy weight. Very subjective to what is heavy. I would say lift whatever as long as form is near perfect. So for example only snatch and OHS what you can and to what depth you can handle without sacrificing form. This could mean just the hang power snatching the bar from the knee or hip and a 1/4 or 1/2 depth OHS.
Position is key. Prioritise that and in 12 months you will not know yourself